Hey United Kingdom

Day 1,029, 17:14 Published in United Kingdom USA by Joe Newton
I don't even know where to start, this is so amusing.

The UK is in a nice situation for player retention. They were recently attacked by Canada and took 2 months to repel the attack. They were left with a nice gift though, compliments of the Canadians. They were given a MPP load against them. They were also given a helper in a Canadian war, France. Together, perhaps they could occupy Canada. Maybe even get some titanium. But the UK thinks it would be a waste of gold to attack Canada. True fact.

For proof I give you the hilarity of hilarity's.

If this is a joke though, I'm not laughing. In fact, this is a downright attack on the UK's national interests, and the Queen. I am out raged, and I know who to blame.

Me, pointing towards a certain individual.

I was initially just reading through the UK news, just because. I couldn't help but laugh when I read the PM's article though. Then my laughter turned to tears. And then my tears turned to fury.

So, why is this bad?

Gosh, let me count the ways.

1. Perhaps the Most Important reason--Entertainment

After all, this is a game. This would give fun to the UK, and the world. It would also allow you all to level up. A 'training war', but not really.

2. It Would Help Your Alliance

If you conquered Canada, Phoenix would have another source of Titanium. Wait. They'd have a source of titanium.

3. It would help your economy. This one doesn't get bold though, and I'm not sure why.

4. Jesus, God, you'd stop being laughed at by all the other alliances.

Now you have to do something to save your country's honour. This much is clear. Your current PM is clearly not serving your country's best interests. You should join in the growing demand for Great Britain to actually be Great. If your Prime Minister stops ministering to the people, he's just a Prime. And nobody likes prime numbers. Save yourself UK, and be a man. You should take back your colony.

I think the choice is clear.

"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." -Churchill

Mr. Woldy would be a p cool PM. Just sayin'.