Guerrilla Tactics 101.

Day 1,754, 10:33 Published in Ireland Poland by Random Irish Guy

Greetings to the people of eIreland,

After a well placed suggestion and a moment of consideration , I have decided to cover the possible way we can eventually regain independence from Poland and to some extent the British.The thing is we aren't a global superpower with a massive army and battle-hardened citizens in every aspect of our society, we're just a small island nation in Western Europe that only thought it should help its ally(Canada), Poland is a huge nation on the Continent and is a difficult opponent so of course we're going to be wiped, however, that being said our strategy wasn't properly planned should we have been attacked, but anyway what's done is done.
We have an opportunity to remove Poland (as Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina did with Serbia)but my fellow citizens you must bear with me as it will not be an easy task.

Here are the tasks that must be carried out in order for Ireland to succee😛

1.Cease hostilities for the time being.
I'm calling on each and every one of you to stop engaging in battle for the next 2-3 days, I know it will be difficult but you can use this time to build up your strength,food and weapons then after 2-3 days we will rise up in every part of Ireland (Cork,Dublin,Louth,Mayo,Shannon and Wexford and then re-take N.I)be properly equipped and be able to liberate ourselves.

2.Co-ordinate timing.
In order to have even a glimmer of hope for success we must have a plan to organize several RW at once and have an exact starting time agreed with other resistance forces, an element of surprise will also determine the outcome.

3.Involve EDEN.
We must get outside support to ensure we will be able to stay fighting and to ensure that Poland won't walk all over us which is a possibility so be prepared.

4.Hire Mercenaries.
We will need to hire highly experienced fighters to work with our experienced fighters to ensure success, this means that if we have a high number of experienced fighters we may be able to free one region at a time.

This operation will need better planning then what was done when we declared the NE with Poland, I will ask the MoD to assist me with the planning,I would personally like to see the operation planned with the upmost of secrecy and efficiency then carried out with total accuracy.

6.Full Participation.
We'll need every citizen of eIreland behind us 100 percent of the way to ensure our assault doesn't collapse.

Remember, the hopes of an entire nation is on our shoulders so do your part and do it well!.

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