Grimstone for Congress

Day 910, 05:30 Published in South Africa USA by Grimstone
May 2010 Congressional Platform

Dear Citizens of Kwa-Zulu Natal,

I am excited to announce that I am running for Congress this upcoming term. This would be my 2nd attempt at running for congress. I would be running for congress under the IA banner (Independent Alternative) the NO BS party. I have so many fresh ideas to bring to the table and cannot wait to start representing YOU!

This month’s campaign is similar to last months as I firmly believe in my plan and would like the opportunity to implement it!!

More about me" />

3x Hardworker
2x Super Soldier
CO of Pretorian Guard 1st Company Rooivalk Platoon”
Deputy Minister of Social Development

Here are some of the basic principles I will build my campaign on:


Military" />

I cannot reiterate how important our military is to this country. Through great efforts of our eSA military, allies and YOU, our loyal citizens, we were able to finally re-unite our country’s regions. This term I would like to concentrate on expanding our military further. I will focus my efforts on finding better ways of securing our country and our loyal allies to ensure that we never lose our regions again.

Democracy" />

I am a firm believer in democracy and ones democratic rights. Having said that I feel it is something we should approach gently and work ourselves towards true democracy. With constant threats of PTO’s etc we need to take our time and build ourselves some solid and secure foundations to protect our democracy in future.

Economy" />

Recently, the eSouth African economy was practically nonexistent and has been dominated by foreign companies. We should be striving for new PSA companies and support thereof. I feel we could look at increasing import taxes, as it can help protect South African businesses. I am all about helping the average eSouth African's piggy bank.

Foreign Policy" />

We should continue to uphold our alliances and especially preserve the great opportunities we have through them. When deciding upon international affairs, I will listen to other countries' side of the story, while of course keeping in mind what is best for eSA.

Domestic Political Affairs" />

I stand for more government transparency. After all, Congressmen and women are there upon YOUR votes, spending YOUR money, making vital decisions about YOUR country, and should answer to YOU!

Once elected, I will release articles where everyone can see my voting history. I will also post a weekly update so that you know what's going on in eSA.

Thank You

I hope to see you at the polls on the 25th of May.
If you have any other questions about me as a Congressional candidate, feel free to PM me." />