Good Luck Reaching the Next Rank

Day 1,081, 18:59 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Now, before you go and get yourself deeply thinking about this, just click that beautiful blue vote button to the left.

Tl;dr version at bottom.


Battles are going on all around me. There’s so many to fight in, yet only so many supplies to go around. I march towards the nearest one to the chanting of my comrades. As I arrive, everyone breaks out in celebration and begins a full-out charge. The enemy started retreating the moment I reached the battlefield, but we were to chase them down anyways. My target sprints off, I chase him down. I come up behind him and throw my artillery at him (I had unfortunately run out of ammo). The enemy falls to the cheers of my nearby soldiers.
“He’s Amazing!” “He’s the next Chuck Norris!” were a couple of the most common phrases being yelped out. I take one last look at my enemy, which now has a popup floating over his defeated body. “+550 Influence. +550 Rank points. +1 Exp”


I charge onto the battlefield once again. I had suffered few wounds the day before, so I felt the need to kill some more victims. I make my way onto the battlefield and begin another charge. But, as I make my way across the field, 17 rocket launchers are sent my way, each of them bearing a “Get your Super Soldier Medal Today!” ad. For any ordinary soldier t a rocket launcher means certain death, but as they say, I’m the next Chuck Norris. I dodge the first 15 and Falcon-Punch the last 2. I find my enemy, standing directly in front of me. I grab my machine gun (I no longer can only use arty you know…) and send an excessive amount of bullets through him. The popup shows up again. “+550 Influence. +55 Rank points. +1 influence.”
Yes, I only get 10% of the rank points now. Sure, that story was very slightly exaggerated, but the point stays the same.

10% of the Rank Points.

Is it not funny that the admins conveniently forgot to mention this, and only mentioned the Super Soldier medals? I think not.
Basically, if I had fought once yesterday, I would have received the same number of rank points as I would receive after 10 kills today.
The admins also added many new ranks, therefore decreasing the amount of experience between each level. This is great right? More levels which are reached more often? No. Unfortunately, you still won’t be reaching anything sooner, as you need to fight 10 times more to get anywhere with it.

Now, on to my second point. Why do we still have 4 different types of weapons? When V2 initially launched, the type of weapon you used made all of the difference. Helicopters could move the most tiles, tanks were the most powerful, etc. But now, what is really the point? We no longer have individual skills, we can all use the same weapons, really what is the point? I’ve been told that there is no longer a bonus for attacking an enemy with a weapon that your type of weapon was strong against in the original V2 battle module.

So what’s the point? How long until we wake up some morning with all of our weapon companies morphed into one type of weapon company?

Tl;dr I’m the next Chuck Norris, you get 10% of the rank points now, and different types of weapons are useless.
