Going on in the eWorld today.

Day 1,770, 13:06 Published in Ireland Poland by Random Irish Guy

Hello everybody.

This article is going to cover the main stories for the world and for eIreland.

Top Stories,

1. Macedonia attacks U.S
2.Italy fights back.
3.Romania Attacked.
4.Irish Congress Elections.

1.Macedonia attacks U.S
Over the past week Macedonia has spread like a disease, I was well aware of them taking advantage of France's peril by seizing all of their Mediterranean coastline but the French have since retaken Corsica, the Macedons have since launched a transatlantic offensive against the U.S , I personally believe we should stealthily intervene to ensure the U.S doesn't face the bulk of a Macedon onslaught, however, I'm not calling for an NE, I'm talking about Irish and EDEN country members fighting in active battles against Macedonia, the best thing we could do is reduce Macedonia to the part of Europe from which it came by working covertly with Italy,Albania and France.

2.Italy fights back.
After a good while of occupation by Slovenia,Macedonia and Greece, it seems like Italy is finally taking the steps to regain the initiative and force the oppressors out of their country to which I say Viva l'Italia!

3.Romania Attacked
For the Second time in two months , Romania is having to deal with a foreign intervention on its national territory, first by the Serbs and now by Bulgaria, here's hoping Bulgaria get wiped and that Romania will pull through.

4.Irish Congressional Elections.
The Final Part of this Article deals with the elections that are one day away and as I've said before I'm standing with the IFP and we will be an active voice for any political party that supports us regardless of ideological and economical views! so vote IFP and we won't fail you!

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