GBU1207 -- "BBs, Bullets, Bombs"

Day 1,207, 08:01 Published in USA USA by Noablule

Bobby's Burch's Babblings

Not sure why reading BB's articles makes this humble typist laugh,
but it does. This humble typist knows not who you are, but you
are funny as all get out.


Dodging bullets shot my way
Little words I want to say
But hearing them, you'd know the truth
So I skip over words for you

Things I'd love to say but won't
Want you to hear them, but you don't
Words that could change both our lives
Knowing now, the time's not right

So I whisper them when alone
As of now, they are my own
You want answers, but I dance
Around your heart's beating entrance

I'd love to enter into that place
Find myself in love's embrace
But not right now, another day
I'm dodging bullets I'd love to take.



Bombs away Indo! Bombs away!