Future Changes in eRepublik

Day 2,058, 12:02 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung

Based on recent and not-so-recent things the developers have been saying, we now know there's changes coming to eRepublik in the near future. Some of the below are factual, some are merely speculative. Some are for the better, and some are completely useless.

The following should help you prepare for the road ahead!

Economy Module

In every single suggestion to the developers, you can guaruntee the Economy module is in there somewhere; along with the many hundreds of articles a month about the horrible state the eEconomy is in. You'll be glad to know that it isn't going to change one bit in the near future.

The developers have concluded that giving company owners more profit is simply unrealistic - they're right. While earnings are minimal right now, inflation is under control. There have been a lot of calls in recent weeks to restart the 'Market Bot'.

#1. This bot is already active - it just buys a lot less at a much lower price to ensure prices are reasonable. It's highest priority is tanks, which it will aim to keep at a high enough price to cost people a bit of gold to fight, but a low enough price to keep q7 factories in a minimal profit.

#2. An increase in prices/bot activity will cause runaway inflation again. Gold at 2,000CC, tank prices at 40CC/tank etc. Or in Plato's eyes, much less people being tempted to buy gold during the gold promotions.

#3. The average number of companies per player probably stands at about 10/player now, even including those brand new players with a mere 3 companies. Mixed with a job at 11CC/day, the average player is earning about 80CC per day. Under the old system when the bot was active, this would have been around 400CC per day. The volume of profits for those with enough money would be ten-fold the profits of the average player and income disparity would be huge. Multiple tiers of wealth are counter-productive to the developer's plans for the game

The developers are currently planning the next economy, though you can probably expect this in Q4 of 2013 at the very earliest and I wouldn't be surprised if it was way in to 2014 before they dare to change it. Do you have a great idea for a balanced yet strategic economy that doesn't completely favour your situation? I'm sure the developers would appreciate your ideas.

War Module

This one has been confirmed - the war module is being upgraded!

On the downside, the underlying mechanics are going to be exactly the same and it's simply going to be a makeover of the current module. You'll be able to fight alongside your friends and the module will be a lot more fitting to a 2013 browser game. (Hinting at future plans to bring in more strategy and aim at hardcore gamers again...)

This change is much needed - little changes like this at least keep us interested for those few more weeks in a game where the last significant changes were a long time ago.

Military Units

Last year we were promised communal storage for military units; captains to be elected by the commanders; companies owned by the MU and not its people - a true commune system for MUs. This never happened however.

Recently, people have been demanding that this be implemented, and guess what? The developers have finally started to listen. The benefits of such a change would be huge to those looking to startup their own MU - it could even bring back a little more fun and role-playing to the game, which in turn benefits the social aspect; the element that holds the entire game together.


The last change for a long time was the change of the mechanics for congressmen. This probably won't change again for upwards of 12 months now.

Monetary Market Changes?

There are many of us who have used orgs previous, and continue to use them, to benefit from the monetary market. This has essentially wiped out the need for a lot of us to buy gold - and Plato knows it.

Expect to see a fixed-rate in the near future. You can either buy gold at 0.005, or sell gold at 200. More gold fountains will be added, and the fixed-rate will be a huge gold-sink. (The rates could even change, bringing gold up to 450-500CC per gold would be the most beneficial to Plato..)

So What Can I Do to Prepare?

The short answer is nothing.

Tank prices may increase a little at the start of the new military module - mostly because it will be coupled with a mission for its launch. If you must invest, buy tanks now.

Gold prices will fall in the medium-term, and if an MM change is implemented they could go either way. Gold isn't worth the risk right now.

There's rumours of 24 hour days coming back to eRepublik - avoid buying companies for WAM. If an economic change is made, Work As Manager will be dropped first as it causes the great inflexibility for the developers.

Hello rl time, goodbye Work as Manager?

Thanks for reading, post your predictions below! 🙂