From the State Prior

Day 1,947, 13:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Gerald Smyth

Recently it has come to my attention that a Mister VICTOR CRUGAN has become corrupted by Satan and is no longer fit to serve as State Prior.

Because I am a good person I will continue out his term as STATE PRIOR and Minister of Blood and Gore and all that jazz.

VICTUR CRUGAN will continue to tell you that he is in fact still fit for the position and that I am a false Prophet.

VICTOR CRUGEN is not State Prior because I said so and you listen to me because I am State Prior.

VECTOR CRUGAN even tried to warn us before he was possessed by the demons.

So reject CURGAN, reject SATAN and follow the WORD.

I expect an official statement by MUFC to observe my priorship. It's not like he's busy or anything.

Paid for by the Committee to Install Geralidus Smythius as State Prior