Friday Atlas: eIreland Invades. (26/08/2011)

Day 1,375, 16:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

As many know, the eUK is under attack by eIreland, and is slowly losing and gaining ground, however eIreland seems to be holding the whole of eIreland with an iron wall, as it slowly starts to attack mainland Britian.

I have witnessed, Northern Ireland being abandoned, I came online and fought against and killed 10 units, and then realised there was no other players participating, and as my funds are limited I had to leave and the RW was finished about 1 hour later (or around that, if other players where fighting, there wasn't enough players). Even though it was a losing fight, wouldn't it be wiser to fight back, and prove we wont go down without a fight.

It seems to me, some eUK citizens have turned to the capitalist side, not the worst thing, but saving money by not fighting for your eNation is just wrong.
I know many players are still fighting for the eUK, but it seems a morale collapse or we are losing our abilities to protect the eUK.

Anonymous: The eUK is facing a major decline, I personally have seen six players leave the game to disfunctional society, and un-cooperative actions. I don't want to be apart of a falling eNation, and will not move to any other eCountry. (Player did not want to be named)

You have been reading Atlas News on Friday (a very sad day indeed, at the moment)

I hope it was worth the read, if so/not please comment below.