Day 916, 18:49 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
How about a nice battle to start your day?

Moments ago, the final assault on Lion King began. Ladies and Gentlemen, give this battle everything you have. Serbia is going to. They have been up at 4 AM for the past 4 nights, waiting for this assault. We made them wait, and now we're ready to take back what is ours (EDEN's). China deserves this region, and they will obtain it.

Once this region is conquered, I will announce that Fingerguns is to be formally announced as the Queen of Lion King. For, as I have promised to her, I have begun the assault on the fortress of Lion King -- complete with 10k Serbian bodies ready to immersion in to the wonderful American culture. Fingerguns, these are your minions. They will be your vassals to your supreme Lord. You shall be either a merciful ruler or one with an iron fist; the choice is yours.

America, it is your job to do many things over the next couple days:

1) Fight, using the highest quality guns you can. If you can't find guns, go to the US Forums ( and find the Guns 4 Huns thread
2) Make sure you're 100 wellness for tomorrow
3) Don't get banned between now and tomorrow
4) Be online tomorrow at the end of the battle or earlier. If you can't be on at the end or a few hours earlier, fight in the morning!
5) Help your fellow Americans however you can
6) Vote up proper articles to keep fake orders and trolling out of our top 5. Take back the Media.
7) If you own a business, be active. Someone may need fired quickly.
😎 If you want to, buy gold. That's your choice.

America, these two days are your time to shine. The set up is as perfect as it is ever going to get. Seize the opportunity and do your best. We can ask nothing more.

I'd like to take this moment to address several issues.

1) We recently passed a constitutional amendment to clear up the blurry lines between the Congress and the military. There are several changes and I will document them for you:

*NO, the President cannot replace the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs or any JCS member
*NO, the President cannot unilaterally suspend the budget indefinitely
*NO, the President is not going to micromanage the military
*YES, the President now does have the final say over military strategy.

Some of you agree with this. Some of you disagree. Those are the facts, as best I can present them. Whether you agree or disagree, put that issue off until Wednesday -- today and tomorrow, we have a common goal.

2) Please, people, stop with the "Guns 4 Subs" articles. They are annoying and, frankly, embarrassing. If you're going to run for President, get a significant media base by writing quality articles, not writing Guns 4 Subs articles.

3) Qubert is running a contest to see who can make the best America avatar. The army has their own avatar, but we want to make one for those who aren't in the Armed Forces -- a badge that Americans can wear to show their pride. Submit entries to him.

4) I'm going to be announcing a few cool new initiatives soon -- including a 200g retention contest as well as a personal project that you'll learn more on in a few days 😉.

5) It should be noted that Max McFarland 2 has done no small number of patriotic things in the past few days. From starting Resistance Wars to offering gold to tanking citizens of the US in important battles, he has shown his true colors. We often stand on other sides of the fence (as has been well documented), but when we stand on the same side, I am more than happy to give credit where credit is due.