Follow up - Get some balls

Day 941, 15:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK">

Wow, I must admit that I did not expect the reactions that I got from my last article. Well, I did expect reaction, but not to such a degree. I will try address these reactions and I will attempt to clarify what was said by me.

The threat at hand?
As far as I am concerned the threat at the moment is minimal. I might be wrong here, but as a casual player this is the impression that I get.

Party Presidentials and their threat.
The party presidential elections are, in my opinion not an election that has a major resounding effect on the security of this country. If a Party is PTOed by someone that is undesirable that means that we have a party that has a bad leader. It is only the first step in a process that will eventually lead to a national threat. It is really easy to start a party, and if a would be PTOer wanted to they could do it right this second.

What do I believe about Democracy in eSA
I believe it exists and is strong. I believe that whatever problems we have in this country in terms of elections are small compared to some others.

What do I think of Mulderpf and the MoS
I think Mulderpf is freaking brilliant, and is the best man we could possibly have for the job. I think he is doing what he thinks is right, but I also believe that what happened during the PP elections was an over reaction.

What the F**k is Obscured democracy
We have active players in this game and we have inactive players. All players contribute in their own way and all players deserve to have a voice in terms of their party, congress and Presidency. Democracy is demostrated through free, fair and unbiased elections that represents the will of all players.
Can all parties in this country tell me that all their members are on the forums? If even one party answers no, then democracy was obscured. That is just a simple fact and I can say that because democracy was obscured for me! I am not active at the moment on the national forums and have not been involved in the running of my party, yet come election day I was presented with one candidate. The choice of this candidate was not made with my participation at all! The choice of this candidate was forced on me by the more active players, which kinda makes me feel like a second class citizen.

Why did I right the article
I wrote the article because one party that was running two candidates, the second candidate was labeled a security threat, even though absolutely no evidence was presented that he was a PTOer. This enraged me, and rightfully so.

What has been said
Stuff has been said in comments and articles and I would like to address them.

- in an article by the MoS he addresses why he did what he did. I would just like to point out that the MoS is doing a great job in the current climate. I understand that the MoS did not force anything on any party, but the reactions to a un-approved candidate was the outcome of the fear that we live in. If their is a threat that is so great that we live in a virtual State of Emergency, then could these threats please be published.

- In the comments, our honorably President says that the people that made the so-called accusations were not active in their party and did not know the mechanics involved. Zamrg, with all due respect, I understand it fully, and as I say, because I am not active in my party does not mean my vote, or my opinion means less. I also deserved to decide who would run for my Party President, yet I could not for the very reason you mentioned.

- In my article CyberWitch commented that I was pro him stepping out of the presidential elections to avert a threat. Yes I was. I have also had a very great understanding for the need of antiTO actions. Sometimes this obscures democracy for the betterment of all. But I think that if you read the article I wrote, I was saying that maybe we have had enough of it now, and that maybe its time we move on. Also, that presidential election was run fully democratic without incident.

My Rights
I have a right to write an article that makes people think. I will not censor myself and will not recant what was said. I consider all the people that properly are really angry with me friends and will continue to do so.

I hope that this article clarifies things.">">">">">">">">">">
