Foamrocket Farewell

Day 552, 22:39 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth


Finally I am drunk enough to write a decent article again.

Man, I've been busy since I was president. Sure, I did some things during my presidency but nevermind that. I'm just a drunk. Whatever is going on now was in no way my doing.

Sure, some have said that I worked to get Germany allowed in to ATLANTIS on a trial membership so that they would loose their support from PEACE and be sitting ducks in case they were not voted in with at least 8 of the 10 active members of ATLANTIS (which would only require three votes against). That's ridiculous. To that I say, I'm not that clever. Seriously, even Misho called me the most "high octane president in erepublik history".

He was probably right. I barely remember even being president. I'm sure it was awesome though. When I decided to step down from the seat of party leader and not run for president anymore even my most prominent opponent in the elections was dissapointed. Aside from the members of FBS, icehacker himself was saddened. A man who I have great respect for. Not only for his performance against me in the elections but because he can get retarded drunk at the same level as me. Considering the fact that he's about twice my size that takes some serious commitment. Fatass...

But my time is running out. Busy IRL crap all the time.

Also, if you live in Skåne or anywhere else near Copenhagen and would like to meet the most awesome politicians of all time:

That's right. Grev Per and myself IRL. One night only.

I almost forgot my point here...

I'm taking a break from politics until autumn. Or whenever I feel like it. See, I promised this friend of mine I'd play EVE with him and then I kinda pushed that into the future by being president and stuff and now I don't really have an excuse anymore. Besides, it's time for the new generation to step up and run this nation. I've been here for a year, I've endured every communist and imperialist troll in the country. You can't touch me. I brought a type of unity unlike the one Holm brought. I brought unity between FRONT and FBS. I brought civility into the government when I went down and got stupid drunk with icehacker. We proved it could be done, no matter what party one belonged to. I've gotten drunk with many people from this game but so far, all of them where FBS. Except for this one guy but he never even played in Sweden and he was kind of a douche and I didn't talk to him much and also he never bought a round for the entire table.

Remember this: FBS was founded on the idea that we adapt to whatever makes our nation the most prosperous with our current circumstances. I'm sure Jbmalin will follow those doctrines. Even though she can never hope to drink at my level. Would be cool with a female president in Sweden though. So far, it hasn't happened.

Once again, see you whenever. Feed my citizen so I don't die. Buy Q1 beer. I consider beer as food.

Oh, and this is still Gustavius' favourite song:

Radsoc is still a tool.