Day 1,439, 15:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

Is what I'd be saying if I was an English PTO'er.
Unfortunately for me I'm not.

In what has been the strongest move made by Britain this term the Canadians have been fairly bulldozed off Britain's territories. A successful RW in NI is assumed and I fully expect Wales to follow suit.

English should have all their regions back for tea tomorrow and considering this was all accomplished without an NE on Canada we should all expect a NE proposal on Ireland at England's earliest convenience!

Before ppl start QQ'ing about our favourite Narwhal: there was only a couple of rounds at all where he had to do any serious influence for England to take victory.

If anyone starts QQ'ing about 'lack of organization in our military': Last night's and today's battle orders were laid out clearer than bottled water.
Whether you decided to follow them or not I can't say (Actually I could, I watched the battles, tut tut 😛 )

Nope the truth is England caught us while we were weak and didn't let the advantage slip the entire time. Gotta give'em credit for victories earned.
Now for the basically the 1st time this term they have the initiative and will undoubtedly use it to their best advantage.

Considering how badly we humiliated them recently, we should expect they are looking for some payback 😛

Support Canada in Wales. Stopping the RW there will reduce our problems considerably. Tbf supporting Canadian battles can be assumed the order of the day unless informed by your MU leaders otherwise.

Looks like we've a lot of work to do next week! o7