Fellow eIrish

Day 1,132, 10:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Today, I proposed a bill to raise minumum wage from 3 IEP to 5 IEP. I apologize to the CP, the Dail, the citizens, and anyone who votes for me. I did NOT go through the proper channels to propose this and I did not discuss this with my party. I hit myself on the head for that one.

BUT I wish to assure all my fellow Irish that i will not do that again. I have several Dail members guiding me through the process now and I will go through proper channels. I promise you all that this mishap will not happen again! I hope this one red mark does not scar my political career forever, for I do wish for a better eIreland. This mistake seems like it could happen to any anxious congressman/woman who hasn't been in the Dail before. I made a horrible noob mistake, I will learn from this mistake.

I will assure all of you that your vote wasn't wasted on me, I will follow the guidelines, and I will, within my power, help to make eIreland a better place for all citizens.

For this mistake, I shall buy the Dail members in my region a beer, all on me!

cheers to a better and brighter future!