Fed Fun - Status #4 - Special Good Bye Edition

Day 2,521, 20:16 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

by Scott Coyle, Sr.

Well it has been a great two months as the Fun Director and although I was told I have done a good job I feel very unsatisfied with my performance and I want to apologize to all the Federalist Party members for not doing all I should have done.

The Department was left without a second and an excess that I was not able to utilize and for that I again want to apologize to all of you. Now with that said I will say I enjoyed my time as the Director and as the Co-Deputy Director under BamaBettie.

I still plan on paying all those from this week for mishap of not unlocking the Lucky Lotto thread which I will transfer to dk3dknight later tonight. Bringing up that topic, all of us in the party are Super Lucky as Chris ( dk3dknight ) is returning as the Deputy of the Fun Department.

1 | Retention Re-Acquires the Fun Department

Last week WookyJack made a proposal on the reorganization of the Party Departments and with that came the Recreation of the Retention Department and the Fun Department is once again a sub-department of the Retention Department. No longer will there be a " Director " of Fun as the Director is now a Deputy of the Retention Department; Deputy In-charge of the Fun Department.

The new Deputy In-charge will be the best Fun Department Director ever ... dk3dknight! That's right Mr. Fun Department himself will be returning to his former role. Under Trekker's leadership Chris and I have switched places and he will resume his amazing work as Head of the Fun Department and I will move over into the Media Department.


Chris was the longest running Director of the Fun Department after taking over for EnterAwesome many many moons ago and 3 months ago handed over control to his Deputy at the time BamaBettie. This is the point to where I joined and worked as Co-Deputy Director with Jake Coltrane ( who hasn't been seen since early June ) for about two weeks until my real life changed and I had to find a new job. Anyway after the remaining two weeks were up my old buddy WookyJack decided to run as Party President and I was asked to return to the Fun Department and I did so for the following two months. Last month he asked if he could help and I happily accepted his wisdom, although I had so many idea's and plans my work schedule kept me back and now here we are the greatest is back in his natural role as Fun Boss ...

2 | Final Act as Fun Deputy

With me no longer being the Head of the Fun Department in just over 4 hours from now I wanted to give a parting gift to those who have been so loyal as active members of the party and a final contest from my personal funds. It is called ...

The goal is to make me super eBroke by having as many entries as we can this week in the last Lucky Lotto I was in control of. Although I will not be making the payouts for this any longer ( Chris will be receiving the remainder of the Fun Funds as soon as I get his reply on total Media Funds ) as Chris will take over as the Fun Deputy at 00:00 eRepublik time.

For every entry made this week I will give an additional 10cc to all entries in the hopes of either making this the largest payout to date or myself one very broke citizen. I have a total of 1000cc and uber tons of Gold so lets see what ya'll can do! I dear you to post an entry by clicking on the image below ...

3 | My New Roles

Again I just want to thank you all for your love and support and will continue to do all I can for the party. With WookyJack's second and final term I had far more responsibility and fun. With Trekker winning our Primary and becoming the new Party President I have been chosen as the Official Baby Kisser and the new Media Director.

In addition to those I have recently been promoted to the Director of the Census Bureau as Dave Gulya was promoted in the USAF and had more responsibilities then he could happen productively so Tyler Bubblar made me the new Director. I still work with him as he is a valuable citizen to know and his experience has helped the DoCB turn around after it's very sluggish start.

Once again thank you all and I can't wait to see what happens this month 🙂

Director of the Census Bureau

Out Going Chief of Staff
New Vice Party President

Last Director of Fun
Out Going Fun Deputy
New Director of Media

3 x Congressman

Lead SHIELD Graphic Artist

Captain of 5th SHIELD Regiment