Everdale for Virginia || Continuing America's Greatness

Day 601, 06:59 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After much thought, I have decided to again seek Virginia's Senate seat. My second campaign will be a clean break from the first - there will be no negative campaigning, no slandering of the opposition, and no pointless rhetoric. I pledge to commit myself entirely to the job of representing Virginians.

I choose to run again because our current Senator Dmalicious has decided to step down after two terms. I understand his reasons - real life getting busy, other things falling onto one's plate - and wish him the best. Though I may have been harsh at times, Dmalicious represented this state honorably, and gained a respectable reputation for himself. I hope we can put aside the acrimony of the past and work together for a bold new Virginia.

My Platform

An End To Partisanship - I have been partisan in the past, and in a recent article I apologized to those I unfairly criticized. I agree with the formation of the Jedi Council and in our attempts to get beyond party politics. We must face the world as one united nation, or else we will be snowed under by invasions and PTO's. I pledge to work with members of ALL parties to strengthen America.

Taxation - Some Americans are unhappy with the current increase in taxes, but these increases are essential. We stand on the verge of a huge war with PEACE, and we must maintain our readiness at all times. I advocate using the full efforts of the government to keep eAmericans informed of our non-classified actions so no one is left out of these momentous times.

Infrastructure - I know not every place can have a Q5 Hospital. The recent threats by PEACE have, however, rejuvenated discussion of defending our capital in Washington, D.C.. The best way to do this? A strong hospital in Virginia to encourage more citizens to stand in defense of the region. I will work with others in Congress who feel the same way to get this achieved.

Funding the Army - As a member of the eU.S. Army, I believe we should be ensuring our Army is in fighting shape. If elected, I will propose a special commission to study the efficiency of our current Army funding system with an eye towards making small improvements that save everyone money and allow more soldiers to fight and rank up.

The PEACE Threat - That these guys are still around blows my mind. Talk about commitment to a game. PEACE recently threatened American security with talk of invading Hawaii. We cannot allow this to happen. I advocate authorizing a diplomatic mission to Indonesia, as well as other missions to our allies and nonaligned powers. If we are going to win a face-to-face fight with PEACE, we're going to need firepower.

The Pulitzer Prize Program - I, like many of you, was a big fan of Emerick's proposal to create Monthly Pulitzer Prize. This prize would allow players to submit their news articles for consideration, with the best article winning a prize of a few gold. This prize will encourage player involvement AND increase the quality of our eAmerican newspapers. I will work to get this accomplished in Congress.

North American University - Too few eAmericans get involved in their government. If elected, I will propose further publicizing North American University's courses via the Citizen Advertising Module, using both government funds and my own. For those who don't know, NAU is prominent on the forums and provides online "Classes" to help new and old players better understand eRep's game mechanics.

I will be adding to these points and possibly making a website as the time draws nearer. For now, I hope to continue speaking to the dozens of Virginians who contacted me in the last campaign, and keeping you up to date on everything we are doing.

Thank You Virginia!