eUSA - I will be back

Day 4,479, 15:43 Published in USA Switzerland by tef1

I know, I know, I know you will miss me. I will too really. But it is time to go to another eNation. As to what eNation it will be, it is yet to be determined. I will let you all know soon.

Why am leaving? A handful of players are making it hard to have fun. They do not accept a clown. It is sad but the truth. So, yes, your favorite clown is leaving soon.

Dont be mad though, he will be back. I will be back very soon You wont even notice, I have ever left. I can promise you all of that.

The revolution will continue to occur with the assistance of ChickensGuys. He will lead us in place of the Emperor Emeritus. Emperor Emeritus thanks you all for the chance to serve. He wishes his successor all the best in his endeavors.

Just in case this is not obvious, this is all a joke and sorry yall but I aint leaving Never EVER.

Some successfully try to prevent me from representing you all in Congress. There is always a next term so no worries. I will just leave the disgraced party once and for all.

Your Emperor will forver be your emperor. Muhahahaha. Lets who reads the entire thing versus who just reads the title and celebrate or be saddened. I cant wait to know. But know, I am leaving the disgraced SFP once and for all.