Esterno has stolen the money

Day 305, 13:06 Published in South Africa Croatia by Sucko

Yes, he has stolen 6 000 ZAR. [a url=]Donation list[/a]
That money was for the first hospital in SA, in Pretoria, q4 hospital. SA is probably only country without hospital in erepublik. So, dear eCitizens, thank to him, we don't have hospital again.
He says, that we can make hospital alone. First, we have 3-4 workers in hospital sector, we would need at least 15-20 workers to make hospital, in average time.
Second problem, we need 15-20 workers with skill over 4. That doesn't exit in SA.
Biggest problem, we have only q1 companies, to upgrade companies is needed a lot of gold. But for upgrade companies is needed enough number of workers, and their skills, we don't have that.

Then they say that, they don't want to buy Pakistants hospital. OMG. Bong Belly company, (owners:esterno, leif, deus) export food in Pakistant, and feed Pakisants citizens.
So, Esterno stole the money, that is fact.