eSAAF Companies, Economic Policy and Jobs

Day 670, 20:47 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Defence- SA

Following a little confusion on the market place caused I think by Armory, I would like to make clear that the ONLY companies directly owned by the eSAAF military are
eSAAF Armory
eSAAF Armory 2
eSAAF Armory 3
eSAAF Gruel

I Also want to say that I will sell as few weapons/food on the open market as possible to directly fund wages and iron/grain. As we are keeping wages at minimum wage only I cannot forsee needing to sell any more than 10 per company daily and hopefully fewer than that. I will also only undercut by 0.1ZAR. Do not follow the market down. I will not sell if I do not need to. I am not trying to turn the military into a profit organisation. I will sell to self-fund and no more.
As yet the eSAAF military have not put any weapons onto the market.
Armory is not financed by eSA or the eSAAF. This is a privately run company.

I will try to allocate 3 items of Q1 food into people's inventories when they start at an eSAAF Company. Please contact South African Armed Forces if you haven't received it.

I am also looking for volunteers to start food production at minimum wage - for 3 days maximum at eSAAF Gruel.

Ali Mentary
Chief of Staff