Epic Rap Battles of History: Arundel vs Largo

Day 1,778, 08:44 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom


Henry Arundel VS John Largo

Pathetic mortal I am JOHN LARGO
My eyes are like fire- my heart is colder than Fargo
You talk about the Marines that are ultra! I invented war!
Now bow down before me like a twofaced whor*
Wipe those tears from your eyes and go to the buffet
Remember though erepublik isn't Burger King you can't have it your way!!

Why did you show up? To concede to me?
I'm like Cheers cause everyone knows my name
And that I'm basically the most badass person in this entire game?
Seriously though why are you trying?
When you see the votes I get it's you who will be crying!
My name is royalty and my avatar has tit*
If you knew all I knew you'd start to shi* bricks!

Have you lost your virginity or are you still pasty white?
Girls aren't interested in all your WoW fights
People don't trust you neither do they like you
Your VP gives blowjobs and I heard she bites too

If we elect you nothing will ever change
Your just Ajay Bruno under a different name!

What the fuc*? Did you just compare me to Ajay?
Also my VP has a diamond crusted Vajajay!

I've done more than you could ever hope to dream
You're a great player but I put together the team
Get some class and come back in the morning
I'm about to kick some as* and that's your last warning!

Who won?


(Car pulls up to dark building)
Hannibal LA:
Hey...you guys still playing? (knocks) Hello? Anyone here?
Why do I never get invited?