EPD 4 CPF PP: Leading by Example

Day 1,753, 12:51 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof

Fresh off my 3rd place finish in Presidential elections, I am back again looking this time to capture the Party Presidency. That’s right folks! I am looking to be elected as the PP of the CPF. So lets see what all I have in store, shall we?

1) Expand on and reaffirm the importance of the 7 tenets of the CPF
2) Tap into the true potential of our membership
3) Communicate efficiently with our members
4) Lead by example

1) Expand on and reaffirm the importance of the 7 tenets of the CPF

The Canadian Progressive Front was founded on the ideals of the 7 tenets. If we stray too far from our purpose, then we fall victim to the chance of going the way of EPIC. Fairly recently, I put out an article that explained the 1st CPF which is to uphold the equality of all MU’s. I will continue to elaborate upon these tenets and what they mean to our party. Without these tenets, our party loses its focus and we have nothing to bind us. I will reaffirm the tenets as the center of the party and what the party should work toward in government.

For those who are unaware, the tenets are as follows:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Enhance our place in TERRA
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy, by making forever available credit and bursaries to the general public.

2) Tap into the true potential of our membership

I firmly believe that there is much untapped potential within the party. We are a party of a little over 110 members. Although many members may not be outspoken, it does not mean they do not have any ideas. I will try to contact the members of the party and get a feel for their ideas and wishes. I will make sure they stay informed and on top of things so they can make informed decisions and keep up with Canadian politics.

With our 110 members, i believe we can do better in elections. During the past election, in the early portion of voting, too many votes were wasted in Quebec among others. Quebec was being conquered and votes kept flowing to places wherein candidates had a sizeable lead. My job as Party President will be to manage our votes efficiently and productively to elect as many people as possible. During elections, I am online during most of the day. This will allow me to be in a position to direct the flow of votes to those who need it most. I will lead our strategic voting team to new heights, capturing as much of Congress as we can. I have heard rumors that a certain wolf wants to go moose hunting. I will, to the best of my ability, make sure all ambushes and attacks are thwarted and that we proceed forward and grow steadily.

3) Communicate efficiently with our members

As the PP, I will look to keep members informed of proposals in Congress as well as efforts by the CPF to move Canada forward. I will keep in touch with them as much as humanly possible. In order to be knowledgeable members of Canadian society, they should have a sense of the important matters being discussed. I hope to keep them as informed as possible. I am, after all, the Minister of Information for this term in government. It will be my job to keep the general public informed. With all of that said, I will not require members to join conversations on IRC, Skype, etc. This puts an extra burden on our members. People are busy outside of the game and I do not want to add more burdens. I will use in-game PM’s to communicate. This allows our party members to respond at their own leisure when they get on to play as they normally would. If IRC, or some other form of communication is necessary, then I will make it known and try to schedule a time to get the most people involved.

4) Lead by Example

Politics in Canada can get pretty dirty at times. In order to combat and help alieviate the toxic climate of Canadian Politics, I will urge each member to act with respect and be sure to not make sweeping inflammatory comments. Although trolling can be entertaining, I do not approve of making inflammatory statements that are not based in fact. Now is this to say we can’t argue? Not at all! Argue as much as you’d like! Just remember to use facts and reasoning in your arguments. Avoid logical fallacies. The only way to help Canadian politics get better, is to lead by example and show others how to be respectful. I wish for the CPF to lead by example, promoting respectful dialogue and compromise in gov’t.

Thank you for reading! Together, we can take Canada into a Progressive future with the Blue Moose as a guide, leading the way.

Minister of Information