Empire of the Rising sun.

Day 1,932, 14:01 Published in Japan Japan by Veprina 22

Hello my fellow eJapanese.
We have much to celebrate,
and much more work to do in order to secure our position.

Entire eJapan is free, we have 60% bonus for food and 20% bonus for weapons.

We will, starting from tomorrow, have an Empress sitting on the throne of the Empire once again.

We didn't forget our fellow allies who fought side by side with our glorious army in the battles of Chubu, Kinki and Shikoku.

I salute USA who defended theirs settlement in Taivan and distract some of the eROC forces away from Shikoku.

I salute Thailand who sended almost entire population to fight for us in many ocasions.

I salute all the friendly units and great fighters who brings milions of damage on battlefield, from all over the world.

I salute my friends who shouted nonstobable all those time and provide us with a vast number of fighters.

I salute team on #Nippon-Banzai who didn't slept for days providing everyone with tanks.

But i must specialy salute the one who helped us the most: South Korea!!!

They sacrifaces themselfs soo many times, even when they were aware that victory cannot be acchived.
I salute this brave little country, our loyal allies and greatest heroes of this game. They didn't have fear to declare NE on 8x stronger country in atempt to achive freedom. Because of theirs heroic acts, we were able to perform ours, and bring freedom to our lands.

South Korea, Japan will repay his debt to you. We will fight side by side for your freedom, and together we shall prevail.

I will show you some statistic now, specialy for the Thailand sceptics:
(daily and weekly, from passing week)
eROC: 740 active fighters
850M damage daily
6.846M damage this week

eJapan: 240 active fighters
577M daily
2.642M this week

eSouth Korea: 100 active fighers
94M daily
637M this week.

eThailan😛 68 active fighters
(mostly been in battle for eJapan this week)
192M daily
1.419 this week.

Japan, South Korea and Thailand combine😛 308 active fighers
863M daily
4.699M this week.

Source: egov4you

This statistic shows that we, together, can be decent eROC oposing military force.
With a small help of COT and TWO alliances we could remove eROC from South Korea, but we need to organise beatween ourselfs, and maybe find some other small country's from this part of the world, New Zeland for conideration.

That would be all from me (i know i don't have graphic or anything but hey, i can get you bored as hell with a long story) 😃

Vepar 22
Samurai warrior of eJapan.