Elections – Heat turned up

Day 806, 06:19 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

Everyone has their goals set, the ballots are being printed and we are ready for the next Presidential election. With the recent addition of Zaragris into the electoral pool we are certain to be in for really interesting elections. So, seeing that my platform has long since expired from the Top 5, I will make this short note explaining why you should vote for me on the 6th.
I have been in this country from before the fall of the Second Republic. It has been an interesting ride and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have always called for people to be patriotic and do what is best for the country. I hope that I have been a positive contributor to the South African cause and helped this country be where it is today.
In the last term South Africa has seen massive growth. For the first time ever we managed to actually win against the Indonesian oppressors. We faced them head on and reduced their empire to a country. Yes we had help, but through the presidency and its competent staff we were able to secure the help of our allies. We now look forward to a future where we can enjoy the freedom we earned together with our Brothers and Sisters in arms; our allies, to whom we are forever grateful.
Indonesia was our oppressor. Argentina and Brazil still are. With regards to Brazil: we do not currently have the means to liberate Gauteng, but let it be known that one day we will come for what is ours. With regards to Argentina: I contacted the countries President and offered him a hand of friendship and a end to war and their occupation without repercussions, and to this offer all I received in reply was nothing. I will therefore strive to make next term the term that we get the Western Cape back and place the South African flag atop Table Mountain.
We as a country need to aim high and develop ourselves into a place where we don’t need to rely on the help of others and become a country that helps others in need. The best way of doing this is to actively develop our population aiming at a steady growth of the populace. Population growth affects our GGP which improves our economy. We need to do this and we need to aim high. I have heard some great ideas put forward to me and I will support these ideas until they reach maturity.
Economy and wealth are important. We can be a poor nation with rich citizens, we can be a rich nation with poor citizens or we could be a rich nation with rich citizens. This all falls into the realms of out taxation policy. We have entered a new era, one where the country will no doubt have to defend itself and actively invest in our newer players. I will not support high taxes, but I will neither support a poor government where the younger of us suffer and our country is put at military risk because of lack of funding. This will be something that I would actively like to work together with congress is balancing.
I as a South African understand the need to develop all tiers of the country knowing that every goal accompanies and makes other goals achievable. Population adds to GDP, GDP adds to Funding, Funding adds to Social Development which in Turns adds to GDP, and funding also adds to military might which adds to military achievements. Everything works hand in and.
I hope that the country sees fit to run me another term


Mark Morcom