Election Reflection

Day 809, 08:11 Published in USA USA by s0beit

Well another election has come to pass, Josh Frost is the new eUSA President, and a congratulations to him sincerely, he was supported by my party and rightfully so.

However i would like to discuss the troubling trend in voter turnout, i am not aware of how much dedication was brought forth for acquiring votes, but the turnout this election was staggeringly low.

out of 25098 eUSA citizens, only 3197 made their way to the polls, if you are too lazy to make the calculation yourself:

That is 12.7380668, even rounding up that is only 13 percent.

8.49 of the voters voted for Josh Frost
3.02 of the voters voted for PigInZen
0.48 of the voters voted for Astra Kat G
0.37 of the voters voted for camh4
0.35 of the voters voted for Joe Newton


Now let it not be mistaken, i voted for Frost and i am glad he is president, but the voter turnout was atrocious and deserves to be reported.

Next time do yourself, your party and your NATION a favor and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!