ELECTION DAY; RESULTS (continuously updated) - [NEWS]

Day 2,603, 02:22 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

The election is the greatest day of democracy when every people, poor, rich, strong, and weak, put the fate into their hand, and make a decision about the future.
These days are overshadowed by the effect of war. In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, the newly elected president has to face even the greatest crisis of Esrael.

Our brave Boys and Girls are fighting in the edge Haifa, but our cruel enemies are overpowered. If nothing changes this could be the last free election in Esrael.
We are fighting for survival.

As a citizen, our responsibilty is more serious than we have ever imagined. Maybe we will fall, maybe we will survive, maybe everything depends on our choice, maybe we can not do anything.

Anyway the task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God's help, we shall prevail.

Tom Kafir will be the next president?
His early advantage decreases to the late night, thus there is over 50%
If the opposition parties had a common candidate, the election would have been closer.
In the morning Tom lost his advantage, he was over 49%

the final results.

!!'Tom Kafir officially won the election. Congratulation!!!

Tom Kafir

-morning- 81,25%
-afternoon- 64,71%
-late afternoon- 57,41%
-evening- 51,52%
-night- 50,65%
-result- 48,46%

Admiral General Mickey

-morning- 12,50%
-afternoon- 26,47%
-late afternoon- 31,48%
-evening- 34,85%
-night- 35,06%
-result- 36,36%


-morning- 6,25%
-afternoon- 8,82%
-late afternoon- 9,26%
-evening- 10,61%
-night- 10,39%
-result- 11,36%

Ilia Shkliar

-morning- 0,00%
-afternoon- 0,00%
-late afternoon- 1,85%
-evening- 3,03%
-night- 3,90%
-result- 3,41%

The next president will be invited for


Questions what everybody fears to asks.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's first guest is the man, who will have been elected definitely: Tom Kafir