Election Campaign.

Day 1,762, 06:43 Published in Ireland Poland by Random Irish Guy

Hello my fellow eIrish citizens,

I am writing this article to introduce myself to those who may not know me, or those who may not know me or my aims particularly well.

I have quite limited Congressional experience with what little I know based on the help ex-Congressmen have given me, these men have shaped me as a player and there is one man in particular I would like to extend a heavy word of thanks.
Anyway, I would like to among those who are the voice of Wexford in Congress and I would greatly appreciate this because it will be a learning experience for myself personally and I would be very thankful should I be elected.


1. My aim is to be the voice of my region,i.e I would gather citizens views on a particular subject and would do my best to make these views heard because at the end of the day I am nothing but a servant of the people.

2. I would like to be a deterrent for any possible Congressional Errors in future (NE with Poland for example) and would inform people daily with update-articles on this newspaper and hopefully I will be doing what the citizens want.

Lastly,I would like to make my fellow party members proud and would like to show them that I am really grateful for the support they have given me from day 1 of me joining.
When voting day finally does come around and you all get a chance to make your voices heard , please vote me as congressman for Wexford and I won't let ye down.

Thanks for reading, vote up and Sub.