eIndian Brotherhood for United Struggle!!!

Day 1,333, 10:12 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

Hello Guys...

At these times of crisis, we are facing the external threat from invaders and also internally due to some rift within the power centres. It isn't good to be divided when we are in such a pathetic state. The immediate TO-DO task is focus on the future and look out for the positive elements in this defeat. For that the growth of every eIndian is vital as we will be going in to a full charge at the rise of slick opportunity, and hopefully bounce back with all our original regions in hand. In short, the military might within our borders is essential and that's what every eIndian military Unit doing, i.e., taking this war as an opportunity to develop the military ranks and strengths of eIndian soldiers. But most important factor is missing....ahem, did u get it? Yes, it is the unity and the co-ordination!

Ofcourse, MUs are co-ordinating within self, but when we look at the broader horizon, they aren't doing what eINDIA needs...thay are functioning independently and this isn't doing any favor for the battle tactics on our side. And the public debates and some serious mud slinging at each other isn't doing any good for eIndia. In fact, this is very annoying for the general public and the newbies. The rift and cracks within the main forces is a weak point for any system and it's hardly a competitive outfit!

The need of the hour is the UNITY within eIndians and among the MUs. It's time for the joint co-ordinated operation and not individual disrupted fight. Though differences in political ideologies are quite natural, this isn't the time to point fingures at each other or towards a group, it's the time to forget personal grudge and to fight the common enemy! First let us get back our lands and ward off the common enemy, the external threat, the invading forces of eSerbian backed ePakistan. And later we shall find out some time to argue and fight within...


Understanding the demands of the hour and to ward off any panic within the common man, we had a meeting with the representatives of MUs in eIndia and the Govt. of eIndia. Following points refer to the summary of the meet:

* The Army will be unified, that is, every MU will be under one banner called the eIndian Army.

* Individual MU will be lead by respective Generals and team leaders like what it is now. But they are officially regarded as the wings of Official eIndian Army.

* All the aid and dispatch financial assistance will be given by the Govt. of eIndia to every MU.

* Every eIndian soldier will be roped into some or the other MU and will be dispatched weps/food for fighting, thus giving everyone a chance to rise in military rank and get the experience of co-ordinated team fights.

* Dispatch schedule will not be there....in the sense the dispatch is 24 x 7 open literally.

* Dispatch will be handed over to MU leaders who in turn will distribute the weps/food to every soldier. No need for the soldier to be present online at specific time to recieve the weps. Every day quota of the individuals will be given off.

* But the fights will be co-ordinated and will be the team work. The MUs as a whole will decide their action time to hit the battlefield in small groups or as the whole. (Strategically, it will be discussed further and the possibilities of spreading the damage over time will be looked into)

* A new IRC channel on rizon is in making, the HQ of the eIndian Army! It will be informed to the war heads of all MUs.

*New MU's are also invited to join hands and make india a stronger nation.

This will be a win-win strategy for everyone I hope. Everyone will fight under one name of eINDIA and yet they are independent. Just getting the dispatch from the govt and following the Defence department orders. All in all, it will bring in the UNITY, ACTION, STRATEGY!

Anuj Jain