Economic Crisis (?) YES or NO?

Day 433, 05:18 Published in Turkey Greece by Jaguaros

This short article, better poll i would say, is for state administrators, company owners, employees.

Do we experiencing after the recent glorious "bug days" a serious drop in all the economic fields?
Do we experiencing productivity issues cause of the trivia bug?
Do we consume less to nothing in terms of products? (maybe besides food)
Do we pay big income taxes ( reaching 20% in some areas) that is killing whole business sectors instead of making all of us competitive to other countries?
How the companies will pay good salaries having in mind the above?

Where the economy is heading? Do the administrators of this economy has a vision beside stuffing money in the accounts?

At the end, beside the minorities, even the eTurk citizens will look for alternative markets/countries and will leave.

Take drastic moves and make the economy competative now. No companies=No income=No citizens=No country

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