eAmerica's Best Interest

Day 1,790, 20:39 Published in USA USA by EnterAwesome

I won’t be able to write as scheduled as I’m sick and am being treated this week.A little scared as I've never done surgery but I've been told its quite simple and fast recovery time. So I leave you with this one article to think about as I'll be gone for about a week!

Just a little afraid

First, I'm really feeling fdkgbd so I'm sorry for unusual grammar mistakes and it might be hard to read. Just enjoy and read.

No doubt, you have heard of the party the American Freedom Alliance. It’s quite popular in the media. You often see people arguing that they are evil and PTOing eUSA followed by long and extravagant accusations and arguments. In this article we will focus on facts and not speculation.

Good or Evil?

Let’s go over 3 points.

Point 1 - America’s Best Interest?
What exactly is America’s best interest? It is decided by our government and the elite aka the people who has been in eUSA for a long time and established themselves there. That is understandable… right? I mean they truly want the best for America as they lived here. Could you imagine if it was the opposite, If the people who have not been here long decided America’s future?

The majority of AFA members are to take over the current government. They are not hiding that, they are practically telling us that in a nice way. “We don't care where you are from, as long as you wish to make America stronger, and fight against the PTOers” This quote is from RGR in his article saying that he is allowing anyone the obtain eUSA Citizenship by making America “stronger” by fighting against the PTOers (our current government ). So he is allowing ANYONE to just walk into eUSA as long as they vote against our government. They are going to want what is best for America? Yeah… okay.

One last detail in this point. Ronald called our President the PTO, even though he admits in his quote that he is trying to PTO our country. He is allowing anyone to vote against current government citizenship, THAT IS PTO, not the other way around. Let me ask you this… is RGR truly here for America? He is calling the shots, telling Hannibal LA to run for president and he will do anything to make that happen, even inviting citizens from other countries giving the power to control the eUSA government to outside countries. Sounds like a PTOer to me.

Point 2 – Bad Law Proposals
This is a short point as it is quite straight forward. Yeah, AFA lost the presidential elections they were obviously quite mad. So what did they do? They tried to cripple eUSA by cutting its budget and making congress jobs harder. Let me explain.

AFA Congress members (which are handpicked by AFA by the way) can propose laws just like any congress members. Every day (we can only do it once a day) we give 400,000USD to the Congressional Budget office to fund the government agencies. That goes to any and all Government military programs to protect us from invasions. It goes to renewing alliances for other countries, starting resistance wars if needed. Anything eUSA needs come directly from those funds. Instead of issuing 400,000 USD however, AFA congress members created proposals giving sometimes less than 100 to the Congressional Budget office.

This is just one of many examples, you can read more here. Under the topic “Hopping the Fence”

Point 3 – He called me a PTO.

This is my angry face

Now I love the eUSA. I really do, I live here in real life. Like many other noobs, RGR convinced me that AFA was a good party. I joined the eUSA Airforce and left AFA and he called me a PTO. Yes, me politically taking over a country by going to fight for them. Now that is not okay. He insulted me and made me know 100% that he is a bad person for this country. You might not think so, but I know so.
And yes this is important to be one point in itself. I was born a eUSA citizen, and RGR focuses on democracy and all that crap in his campaign but in reality if you are not with him, he does not care about you or your “vote”. He just wants power and will get it any way he can

Please this coming election make an educated vote. Who really is for the betterment of America? Honestly.

As Always,

I'll be THIS excited to write my next article when I am better. Promise.