Draim for eAustralia Senate in Western Australia

Day 1,616, 14:36 Published in Australia Australia by DraimAlexander

For those that read my Senate article last month some of this repeats but with a bit more of a platform. For those that remember it and don't want more the new things are at the start 🙂 I am very much open to questions and suggestions and please feel free to leave them both here on the article or shoot me an ingame mail (or forum PM).

I hope you like what you read and I hope for your support this coming election in Western Australia under the ANP party banner.

  • Support for the ADF: I will admit some obvious conflict of interest here in that I'm a member but I strongly support the ADF and and their mission and the general way it is handled now. Are they perfect? No, of course they aren't. There are always things to get better on and the ADF is no exception but the idea is exactly right.

    The ADF is our strength and backbone for security. This isn't just the in game Military Unit (MU) but the system that helps support all of it's members including the ones in other eAus centric MUs and which helps recruit and pay for mercenaries when needed. The weapons supplied by the ADF supply an enormous amount of influence already and I'm happy to see that they have started talking about gathering more statistics about exactly what kind of impact it is making. This kind of transparency is hugely important.

  • Reasonable taxes and adjustment as necessary: There is no doubt we need money for the government to function and we need a reserve in case of emergency attack which is always a risk both in the eWorld in general and eAus in particular. That said we also want to keep them as low as possible. I'm a strong proponent for experimenting with tax rates to try new things out and adjusting them up or down as necessary to get what we need but effect citizens as little as possible.

  • Education and New Users: New users are our lifeblood. Consistently trying to update the information we have for new and developing users is incredibly important. We also want to make sure we continue to give new users what they need to start off in our country (which can change and should be constantly looked at).

  • Stats Stats Stats: I liked statistics and like to see if something is working or not. Sometimes it takes a while to show that but as much as possible we want to show WHAT we are using tax money on and what is working (both for our benefit and the benefit of everyone else who wants to try things later) whether that is for Defense, new users or the government island vacation fund (I make no promises said fund exists though I intend to get in on it if possible). I intend to write articles here as necessary about what the statistics show (or to share my ideas and link to whomever really did the numbers since attribution is important).

  • Loyalty to eAustralia: This is my home and no matter what happens everything I do will be aimed at protecting and supporting eAustralia. Most especially against any external threat to try and attack us or our allies (but we come first).

  • Accessibility and Availability: I am online essentially non stop. I work in front of a computer at a place that would never even question that I glance through new forum changes regularly (best way to stay caught up).

  • Honest and candid responses: I will never hold back because I'm worried what people will think. If I think something needs to be said or acted upon then I will say it. I have a heavy tendency to be transparent and make sure everyone sees something and unless a topic needs to be private for security reasons I will do so. Even then I will push to be as transparent as we can.

  • No political animosity: Our community and senate certainly has it's share of political tension both understandable and silly. I will always make sure that you know if I disagree and why (including if I disagree strongly) but I will never attack someone personally. If someone is trying to troll it will just feed them and if they aren't it will just push them to the extremes.

  • Always Listen: This is related to the political animosity point above. No matter how many disagreements we have or how much we dislike our mutual decisions I also promise to always listen. I will always listen and think about the points made and the logic (or emotion) behind other people's statements and will do so before making a final decision (even if that means I have to back off a choice or decision I've already made).

Hoping to see you in the coming election (and beyond),

James (Draim)