Draim for Australia!

Day 1,707, 17:05 Published in Australia Australia by DraimAlexander

Australia is at war and we are fighting to even have a congress this election. If we can't keep Tasmania then we won't. I'm alternating between thinking it's the best and worst time in eRepublik since I started (I was not here for the last wipe) but one thing is certain:

We Will Never Give Up

You can read most of my political ideas in the past issues of this newsletter (which are basically all campaign postings) and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. For now I'll focus on the matters at han😛

* I want to represent the nation again in congress. I'm not completing my 3rd term in office and I think I've gotten more involved each time. I am active every day and see no reason to believe that will change this term. I believe in honesty, openness and dedication and will try to exhibit all of those in my position.

* I am a strong supporter of the ADF: The executive and the ADF will be helping to lead us to victory as we fight against Indo, NZ and anyone else who wants to throw their hand in. We have allies who can and will help but in the end we can not rely on anyone but ourselves. I believe the ADF has strong leadership and will help us get through. As a new ADF QM and a soldier since I started I will fight and support them as much as I can possibly give and as a Senator I will support giving them what is required.

* and even in times of war oversight is necessary: I strongly support and trust our leadership but even in tough times oversight is vital. That is one of the primary jobs of the senate, to make sure the government (including ADF) gets what it needs and uses the money wisely. I will never forget that even in the midst of wipes and war where the money and weapons may need to flow fast and furious.

* Our 'other' laws need reform: For those who haven't been active on the forums before you may not realize that we have a fairly extensive set of laws and rules passed to try and keep things stable, consistent and workable. Much of this is good because in game options don't allow for the breath required. That said they are in a shambles and need some DRASTIC reworking (to the level of possibly throwing them all out and starting fresh). They do not allow for the flexibility required, they don't take in game realities into full account and they are built on a complexity more oriented for much larger and more diverse countries (especially rl countries). If elected I will work to eliminate and rework as many of these laws as we can.

There are many other things but for now this is what I think is important. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!

Vote DraimAlexander in Tasmania under the ANP banner