Draft Rainy FoR CP or Dump Coup Loser

Day 3,096, 16:35 Published in USA USA by Customs of Dahomey

It is not too late, BULLY all cossgressplayers into impeaching the embarrassing coup leader. It is a time for change, the next million should go to RAINY SUNDAY.

A Dictator who won't dick around.
Impeach, it's in your reach, Rainy Sunday will coup the way!

Updates to follow

some might say I snipe (an ugly-ism) a vile notion
close examination has to be done from a distance from those that hid

It is close, if the rest of the congressplayers can be bullied into voting the right way, the impeachment would end up in a tie. And forcing the coup failing CP to resign least he be tempted into wasting another million cc after facing the wrath of the eUS forums for his failure.