Do You Like Fun Radio? Call:347-324-3528@18:00erep time+Interview With Kathee93!

Day 1,725, 00:27 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey America,

Tonight at 18:00 please join me and Josh Whitehead for radio fun!
Call in at: 347-324-3528
Click here to go to the show!
Also free to call with Skype...

Agenda for #72

1. Airstrike: Is it going to be good or bad?
2. The ‘Glove’ Index
3. Evry, what did he do?
4. Who fought for the US instead of Canada yesterday? Be honest.
5. My finger goes where in USA?
6. Who likes Swiss Cheese?
7. Thank you!
8. Do Military Alliances affect your game play?
9. If eRepublik went to space.....
10. 10 Things We’d Say to Women About Erepublik

Kitten of the week: Mazzy Cat

My interview with Kathee93 the Pony Party Person!

1. So why the run for POTUS?

Well, not for serious business like others. For the fun, and lulz. I want to see the big red button.

2. Why does the presidency interest you so much?

It's a part of the game, that has only been experienced by a very few people so far. I want to be one of them.

3. What are the top five things you would fix if you became president?

Compulsory pony avatar for the citizens; Free bacon, pie and cheese; World conquest; lower taxes; whatever the 5th commenter in this article wants me to do (IN-GAME!!!!)

4. Who would make up your VP? CoS?

Some loyal ponies...

5. What about the war in Canada?

Canadians are evil... South Park, Operation Canadian Bacon. Also, Mexico and Canada should be US-blue on the map!

6. Is your RL name Kathee?

Maybe? *-*

7. What is the fascination with ponies?

I found the Pony Party when I joined the game and decided to become a Pony in-game...

8. How do we know your a girl and not some guy tapping on a keyboard?

How do we know your a guy and not some girl tapping on a keyboard? 😛

Tonight at 18:00 please join me and Josh Whitehead for radio fun!
Call in at: 347-324-3528
Click here to go to the show!
Also free to call with Skype...