Dish4CP - Military, and an Overview

Day 3,484, 08:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Ladies and Gentleman,

We'll get right to it today, and start with the Military portion of what I'd like to do should I be deemed worthy of being CP this month.

Available Leadership, and Set-up

One of the primary challenges that I seem to find, month after month, especially as our population dwindles a bit is that the job of Minister is tedious (almost as much as MoD, or at least when it's run properly it can be), and very hard for one or two people to do. In a perfect world, the job requires availability to hand out weapons, give orders, and follow up with MUs to make sure we're coordinating. Battles can change multiple times throughout the day. We might not be the biggest source of damage, or the most active nation, but we can certainly try to coordinate our damage properly to hit in the correct battles for our country, and our allies.

To that end, I'd like to work on putting a Defence Council in place rather than a singular MoD, which should offer more coverage both on chat and for direction. 2 of the 3 confirmed are veterans of the Ministry, and are available quite a bit.

MU Coordination

With the introduction of private MUs a long time ago, the thought of a completely national army really isn't that feasible with game mechanics. A lot of players have invested heavily into running their MUs, and recruiting from it, and it would seem to be counterproductive to ask people to be a national army as well, it just doesn't work very well with game mechanics any more.

What we should be looking at, in my opinion, is perhaps one MU that is for high efficiency mobile damage that can be funded nationally, and then dividing the other MUs to the Defence Council and working on coordination for supply. It would relieve some of the cost to the people who run the MU, and promote coordinated damage to battles that needed it.

Air Battles

Our older tanks, the ones that are left, anyhow, are set in how they deal damage, but we should be training our people on air battles as that is one area that we really could do a fair amount of damage if we worked on it. I'd like to set aside some of the purse to training new citizens and MUs to coordinate for air battles, offer weapons, even try to organize a strike or two. With the introduction of air battles, we're already going to lag behind in overall tank damage because of our lower player base, but we can work on promoting air battles (and help our markets at the same time) by trying to develop new players.

A Summary

This term, what I would like to do is to try and re-develop some basic functionality, and promote some action. Whether that's working with Congress to try and get everyone involved, to working with our military and our allies, as well as our alliance to make this a little more exciting, I think the extra focus, and availability is important as we try to promote activity among our new players. As I've said before, right now we're essentially fighting over the same scraps each month, but if we're ever going to move forward, we need to work on finding a common ground.

Thanks for spending a bit of your time this month reading, and as always if you would like to be involved should I win, all you merely need to do is ask. I am sure there are jobs for anyone who desires.


PS - Here you go, Wookie!