DISASTER: Russian Invasion Fails, Treasury Empty, Scrabman "Has No Regrets"

Day 542, 09:56 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale
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The Romanian loss of its two high productivity Iron regions, coupled with the eAmerican failure to seize Russia's Far East Region, spell dark days ahead for a weakened ATLANTIS. President Scrabman announced today he would not be accepting any resignations for the military failure, and casually noted that the United States is "broke" and that he has "no regrets."

The result was disaster. Within 24 hours the Russian invasion had been nearly defeated, and Russia's ten allies sped to the Far East to reinforce the region's battered wall. At the same time, Romania lost its remaining high iron regions, resulting in the threat of an iron ration in the United States as our largest supplier shuts down.

Criticized in some corners for a lack of foresight, President Scrabman has been forced into a tight huddle with loyalists in his administration. Scrabman's promise on Day 541 to "keep attacking until we win it" comes midway through a second term that has been considerably more controversial than his first. Recent polls show the popularity of the Scrabman Administration fell from the 64% to 50%, a 14 point drop likely due to fallout from the failed Russian invasion.

The administration released a contrite statement today regarding the Far East Campaign and Romania's two regions, and cast a general cloud over future military intervention, calling recent events "devastating losses." In the statement, President Scrabman refused to accept the resignation of Eugene Harlot, the official responsible for planning the failed invasion, and cast blame with PEACE, stating "nobody" in the Scrabman Administration was to blame for the failures.

In his final term, Scrabman seemed to hand off the task of rebuilding America to his successor, noting that "the next president will have a lot to build upon." Whether that president will be from USWP after the disasters of late, it remains to be seen.