Death to Alby's Friend- SamWystan strickes again!!

Day 470, 17:03 Published in USA Greece by Jeremy Hutchinson

Alby released this story to me this morning...

Alby was still recovering from a grazed bullet to his leg from the battle at Baja. He received a letter from the Alpaca farm where his childhood, and still very close friend Andy worked. This letter stated that Andy had not shown up for work in 4 days, so they searched his house to find a horrendous sight. Andy had been murdered. The police have connected this crime to the murder at eBrown University. SamWystan is suspected of stealing his illegal Q4 diamonds stash, which was recorded stolen only a few hours before the suspected shooting.

Sam is also suspected to have stolen his 100 cases of Q4 food, a Q2 moving ticket which Andy was going to use to go to the eUK to have a new life, and 100 USD with 2 GOLD.

This whole case was so upsetting to Alby, he quit his job and haven't left his Coastline Mansion since the battle at Baja.

Put SamWystan behind bars, and help out Alby.

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