Daily Krak down are you eContent

Day 2,514, 02:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

"Forced daily edition of Kalashnikov"

Today we explore eContentment or the online satisfaction with your daily online existence.

Basically I see a lot of people quitting the game. Why is this. In my view this has a lot to do with how you play the game.

Lets take one non changing fact full financials and the relative status quo of the Irish landscape.

Basically this is our financials to all citizens bar a view

and this is how most see the status quo

Except of course the same old politicans that must be appointed in the same old spots indefintely. Dont you think at some time people get tired of our shit.

We know with a player like COB its a case of

The orcs have now found that its easier to manipulate young politicians because of their gullibility.

We are all stuck in continued limbo due to this as everyone just continually perpetuate the same old story: Why is there no full financials. there is none because it will tell other nations our military strength . Yet moldovas said they have no strenght.

You see what the Moldovians looked and saw in full bloom is that we have no "cohesion"

cohesion (usually uncountable, plural cohesions)

State of cohering, or of working together.

In the last war I received some weps not enough in my mind.

The moldovians saw that when we are in war and a player ask for supplies he is ignored by Cob. They saw that we have no war shouts they saw that there is no supply articles .

My friends indeed if you wanted to protect our full financial info due to the enemy accessing our military strength and magically countering it. My friend all we need to answer with is "Moldova". Moldova proved we had no military strenght. Moldova proved we could not place CO's we could not shout battles, we could not supply in articles we could in fact not properly channel our supposed massive resources to even put up a kind of fight.

Kordak is not to blame : it was the old house of Seanan(mod) and loumann that was our end. Coupled with a rather pathetic effort of the Irish Army under Ian E Coleman and you can see why we need not worry about our so called military strength leaking out.

There was no real open supply line and people had to jeopardize their online privacy/security to in the deep recesses of the internet to get supply.


IRC is not safe:

Old 05-07-2004, 08:03 AM
CandidGamera CandidGamera is offline

Join Date: Feb 2004
Speaking as a longtime user of IRC, I've never noticed much trouble.

Primary things of concern :

Shared services - if you have a service like a printer on your computer that is "network shared" without proper security, or a "network shared" folder, folks could conceivably get to that.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks - Nukes and UDP Floods, f'rinstance. Nukes are malformed data sent to screw up your computer's processing, sometimes forcing a reboot. Flooding is just sending nonsensical packets to your computer and choking off your bandwidth.

I must say, my computer isn't as secured as yours seems to be, and I haven't been subject to a DoS attack in years. And there aren't any shared services by default. You should be fine, but don't go deliberately ticking people off or hanging out in illegal software trading venues. That's just asking for a "script kiddie" to come along and try to mess with you.

No matter what anyone tells!. Yet from a safe environment we must travel to non safety. Frankly I dont go there and I know a couple of players who dont.

IRC Is like placing your baby in a bin with old crack syringes!!1

Now next time someone ask you to ask for supplies on IRC ask him to place his baby in a bin with old crack syringes. Will he. Yet government on government expect and demand of players to ask for supplies on IRC.

Secondly people facebook is not safe and neither is google anymore. What this has to do with is area specific marketing. They want to know where you life!!!! Facebook has "Places" . Did you know about that a very difficult program to turn off. Places broadcast the exact street address from where you post.

Places means anyone can see where you life. Strange that!.

I once followed a link on a IRC chat. Did you know this lead to the Philadelphia State Penitentiary.

Yes people each day your interacting with real kriminals on here.


We need to limit our exposure!

Avoid Facebook, never publish any personal info, avoid IRC.


How do we fix everything. Older politicians have to let go. Full financials. Effective and safe supply channels have to be established for the entire Irish population. Interaction and activity must be nurtured and encouraged.