D Talk with direct x

Day 2,236, 05:01 Published in Republic of Moldova Armenia by Clark.Kent
Chievo.kevin: Name/Age/Sex/Nationality.

direct x: Florin/36/M/Romana

Chievo.kevin: Profession?

direct x: Farmacist

Chievo.kevin:How did you find out about Erepublik?

direct x: Mi-a spus un coleg de servici despre joc. Mi-am facut cont dupa petrecerea de taierea motului lui ficamea.

Chievo.kevin: Who are your best eFriends?

direct x: Sunt multi prieteni: unii i-am cunoscut rl la intalniri erep, altii in joc, sunt multi cu care as dori sa beau o bere.

Chievo.kevin: Who are your worst eEnemies?

direct x: Idiotii, hotii si prostii.

Chievo.kevin: What can you comment about eMoldova's current position/status?

direct x: Mai are o suflare si s-a dus.

Chievo.kevin: As for now you are one of the main Presidential candidates, Why do you think citizens should give their votes to you?

direct x: Singura modalitate de a revigora sau mai degraba de a trezi populatia e un razboi. Atunci apar oameni noi in joc, atunci se dau laoparte disputele politice, atunci apar idei bune, atunci apare mobilizarea. E ciudat ca multe din lucrurile frumoase aici se pot obtine doar prin razboi. Dar asta e.

Chievo.kevin: What you would like to say to other Presidential candidates?

direct x: Bafta

Chievo.kevin: When you will be voted as president of eMoldova what is your main goal you would like to achieve?

direct x: Sa trezesc populatia la viata

Chievo.kevin: What do you think about different parties and their presidents?

direct x: Unii ar trebui sa fie mult mai activi

Chievo.kevin: Where do you see yourself in eMoldova/Erepublik for couple of months ahead?

direct x: In trei luni fac 5 ani de cand joc jocul asta sper sa mai tina. Cred ca voi fi prin zona.

Chievo.kevin: Do you have anything more to add before we end the Interview?

direct x: Multumesc, sper ca oricine va castiga sa faca ceva bun pentru eMD.