D-day is looming

Day 1,949, 08:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by LiquidIce

As some of you know, I am scheduled for a back operation next week. The 28th to be exact. I already have started tapering down on my involvement in the game.

I will not be playing for some time. Gambit, I will we resigning from my job on Wednesday. Maybe you will have a position for me when I come back?

Reason for this useless information? Well, for the first time in my life, I am going to admit that I am shit scared of the operation. I have been through it once before, so I know what lies ahead. Also, I will be going to theatre with my arm in full cast due to my broken elbow. That sure as hell will hamper recovery somewhat!

So please, I am asking you to hold thumbs, light a candle, pray, whatever, for me. I will ask Nickers to keep you all updated on my recovery. Will be in hospital from Thursday until Tuesday. Then. Asically bedridden for some time, sleeping through most of it I hope...

Thanks for being my friends and hopefully I will return!

Oh, and good luck with all the NE's and wars and gold mines and PTO's!

PS, bury the hatchet, and let Tenshibo back as HC. He did apologise to me. Get to know him, he is actually a cool kid! Don't hold grudges for too long. It is not worth it!