Cuban News / Noticias

Day 4,364, 18:37 Published in Cuba Cuba by Isabel VI La Gobernadora

Buenos dias, hoy repasamos las noticias de la semana, empezamos:

1- ahora estamos otra vez en territorio de sudafrica, turquia y code nos invito para hacer TW con ellos alli, muy majos (tambien hablamos antes con SA para saber cual seria su postura y no tubieron ningun problema)

2- Este mes vendere packs, ya sabeis, pack de la jessi sin braga los packs seran de 400k el pack de 10€ i 600k el pack de 15€, me ahorro el derecho a denegar packs a gente que no me caiga bien, por algo es mi dinero y no el suyo.

3- pedevargu esta ingresado en el hospital con coma etílico, despues de que laucha se haya ido, tiene un vacio en su interior y se ha metido a la bebida... antes ya era un puto borracho pero diremos que es por lo de laucha asi queda guay

4- charro dio señales de vida hace un par de dias atras, y volvio a preguntar porque eran los donates puto chivato, te queria compartir parte del botin pero ya nada
varios miembros de la comunidad le recordaron que fue un trato que se llego conjuntamente con el congreso de dejar como maximo 2.5M en el CT y el resto en org, entre los comentarios destacamos los comentarios de octiene "Y porque no lo publicamos como ley?" y la contestación por parte de aligual "La M**** que os p****, me quereis hacer trabajar hijos de la gran P***???"

5- M'he compre el logitech g27, estoy ahora viciado al ET otra vez

6- el otro día Turquía vino a decirnos que tenemos que modificar nuestros scripts y que no luchen en epicas, porque nuesto daño es exageradamente fuerte y hariamos que sus enemigos les ganarán
tambien andan llorando porque ukraina iva a venir a cuba para tw pingpong, segun ellos ukraina es asteria, y dijeron que ya nos darian a alguien para tw, me reí mucho.

7- el numero de BH de fagiani ha aumentado un 400% comparado con el mes pasado, en palabras suyas "Ahora robo BH en las divisiones bajas, así los demas d4 no ven que robo a los pequeñines"

8- kirito acaba de pedir la SH en Limpopo

9- en orion estuvimos hablando sobre si kronor (chica estoniana muy bonita) por la noche ronca como los gatos, arcanic mando notas de audio de su gato roncando, ha terminado el chat lleno de fotos de gatitos


Good morning, today we review the news of the week, we begin:

1- Now we are again in the territory of South Africa. Turkey and code invite us to do TW with them there, very nice ( we also talked to SA before to know what their position would be and they had no problem )

2- This month I will sell packs, you know, pack of the jessi without panties the packs will be 400k the pack of € 10 and 600k the pack of € 15, I save the right to deny packs to people I do not like him, for something is my money and not yours.

3- pedevargu is admitted to the hospital with ethyl coma, after laucha has left, he has a vacuum inside and has gotten into the drink ... he was already a drunk but we will say that it is for laucha is so cool

4- charro gave signs of life a couple of days ago, and asked again why they were the donuts fucking sneak, I wanted to share part of the booty but nothing several members of the community reminded him that it was a deal that came together with the congress to leave a maximum of 2.5M in the CT and the rest in org, among the comments we highlight the comments of octiene "And why don't we publish it as a law? " and the answer by aligual "The M **** that you p ****, you want to make me work children of the great B**** ???"

5- I bought the logitech g27, I am now addicted to the ET again

6- the other day Turkey came to tell us that we have to modify our scripts and not fight in epics, because our damage is exaggeratedly strong and we would make their enemies beat them they are also crying because ukraina maybe will come to Cuba for tw pingpong, according to them ukraina is asteria, and they said they would give us someone for tw, I laughed a lot.

7- the number of fagiani's BH has increased 400% compared to last month, in his words "Now I steal BH in the low divisions, so the others don't see that I steal the little ones"

8- kirito just asked for the SH in Limpopo

9- In Orion we were talking about Kronor sleeping snoreds (very beautiful Estonian girl) and if she snored like cats, arcanic sent audio notes of his snoring cat, the chat full of photos of kittens has ended