Day 4,356, 19:19 Published in Cuba Cuba by Isabel VI La Gobernadora

“No tengo más que tragarme esto y ser perseguido por el resto de mis días por una legión de duendes, de mi propia invención. Patrañas, dije patrañas.”

Hace tiempo que no escribo nada, así que hoy hablaremos de que ha sucedido en los últimos días, aunque al estar dos clicker no puedo detallar con exacta presision.

Hace un par de semanas atrás, estábamos tranquilamente en nuestras TWs con Portugal, Moldavia, Nigeria, Israel… Todo era tranquilidad, hasta que una vez más, el bloque de code intento destrozar una TW que teníamos, esta vez era la de Portugal, en el pasado, ya nos rompieron la TW con otros países, Israel (Montenegro nos borro atacando Israel en nuestras cores) , incluso con Venezuela (Turquía nos obligo a aceptar que tenían que pasar para ir a Venezuela, o seriamos borrados de por vida... Y siempre lo han vendido como que querían pasar, y que eramos aliados suyos, cuando eso es falso, cuba, tiene los aliados que tiene, que son miembros de orion, y luego paises como portugal, nigeria, moldavia, etc… paises los cuales hemos tenido muy buenas relaciones.

Con el único país de code-andes que mantenemos relación, es con venezuela, por situación territorial, son nuestros vecinos, y con ellos hemos mantenido alguna TW, con los demás de andes o code, nunca hemos tenido relación, y la única relación que he podido yo tener con ellos, ha sido o bien en el canal de clopoyaur donde me meto con ellos por no romper la pirámide, o bien con zdlemmy que siempre le termino diciendo que no se porque la gente se esfuerza en meternos en la basura de guerra mundial, si nunca hemos querido formar parte, siempre hemos sido gente de paz…

Pero volvamos al tema, esta vez, Turquía nos amenazo otra vez con borrado si no le dejamos pasar, lo más divertido de esto, es que los propios turcos lucharon por cuba para que ganáramos, algo que a día de hoy aún me hace reír.

Nos lanzaron montones de leyes de AS DoW y NE, medio code fue movilizado para atacar a cuba, hablamos con moldavia, para que tomara las regiones que teniamos, USA lanzo DoW contra moldavia, por su parte, turquia amenazo a israel de borrar de por vida si no nos ecaban de israel, lo cual israel acepto y nos echaron de cuba, y siendo sincero, despues de eso, lo que queria hacer es salir de orion, dado que no era la primera vez que israel nos vendia, el AS de montenegro a israel que termino en borrado de cuba, lo provoco israel para que no les borraran a ellos, y luego esto, de echarnos de sus cores para que turquia no se enfadara, realmente estube muy enfadado, me sali del grupo de telegram de orion, y comunique a duman que saldriamos de orion en menos de un mes, tanto si queria como si no.

por otra parte, junto a los demas partidos que conformamos el gobierno, al ver que turquia y code nos queria borrar por mucho tiempo, y para no tener el pais bloqueado, decidimos poner una dictadura, se habia hablado de que fuera xxxastarothxxx, y que cuando aligual vonsiga la medalla de 10 dias y pueda donar ese dinero, se cambiara por el, con esto, conseguimos que sin congreso, el pais continue operativo.

despues de que usa ocupara todo nuestro territorio y que turquia y demas países de code entraran a portugal y españa, esperabamos que turquia entrara mediante USA, pero no fue así, lo que hicieron fue que USA atacara a españa, y fejarse ganar para que asi turquia entrara mediante españa, nosotros no lo sabiamos, asi que le dijimos a españa despues de que ganara contea usa en canarias, que atacaran nuestra region, turquia al verlo se apresuro a atacar las demas regiones españolas en la peninsula y entrar en cuba mediante españa, y asi terminar ocupando las villas y oriente, mientras que usa gano western cuba, y solo falta ver, que en la batalla de españa vs USA en western cuba, españa fue completamente aplastada por USA, lo que demostró que estaba muy preparado por turquia y USA.

Por nuestra parte, tanto en el ataque de usa como el de turquia, nos defendimos con lo que pudimos, tuvimos epicas en d2 d1 y d4, pero despues de meses farmeando para ser mas fuertes, se esfumo todo lo que teniamos, y nos encontrabamos que no teniamos barritas ni nada con que luchar.

cuba, desde hace mucho, es un pais que no tenia soldados, que solo la gente venia por medallas de congreso y CP, donde nunca se centro en la actividad militar, y siempre señalando con el dedo a los que usaban visa y haciendo civerbulling a los que tenian packs, a dia de hoy, somos 7-8 que tenemos packs o nos centramos en el militar, lo demas, son gente que solo le interesa que cada mes haya congreso para la medalla, y si, lamentablemente esa es la realidad cubana, es por esto, que despues de hablar con el resto de integrantes del gobierno y ver los animos decidimos intentar mover diplomaticamente, dado que militarmente no podemos.

turquia nos propuso al principio que nosotros les pagaramos todos los DOW AS etc… que les habian costado a ellos y sus aliados toda la campaña militar, obviamente rechazamos, y al final nos pidieron la region de oriente + quedarse con los impuestos, se que esa region supondra muchos miles de millones de cc a turquia, pero es un mal menor para nosotros…

Se hablo con portugal, se hablo con orion, y todos estubieron de acuerdo que teniamos que aceptar el trato, esos, eran los unicos que importaban, cualquier pais que no es de orion o portugal, no tiene nada que decir respecto a esto, porque siempre hemos sido grandes aliados de TW con portugal, donde nos hemos ayudado mutuamente, y ahora, gente que nunca nos ha ayudado y que de paso ataco a nuestros aliados, venga a llamarme traidor por llegar un acuerdo que realmente a todos nos da igual porque es simplemente dar una region a cambio de un NAP, algunos no se acuerdan del daño que aporte a ellos para ayudarles, pero esta bien, opinen y hablen tonterias que no tiene sentido.

cambiando de tema

Desde hace tiempo, en cuba teníamos un grupo pro-andes (Conny island + multis), que luchaba contra nosotros y contra aliados, que no aceptaban la alianza Orion, y que suplantaban el gobierno para conseguir ayuda exterior en sus planes de apoderarse de cuba, despues del ataque y borrado de turquia y la ayuda procedente de serbia para tovear sus partidos y echarlos del congreso, se han ido a otros paises de Andes.

lamentablemente, la mayoria de integrantes del partido barbudos (laucha prole alt8ny etc…) se han ido tambien en busca de un nuevo roleo que les de mas vida en este juego muerto, desde aqui les deseo lo mejor para ellos y gracias por compartir una parte de vuestras vidas con nosotros y en especial conmigo.

y no quiero aburrir mas al personal, sigo a mis dos clicker, enviando notas de voz a las 3 de la mañana esperando que alguien conteste.

cordial saludo Girona FC - Edahi

“I just have to swallow this and be chased for the rest of my days by a legion of goblins, of my own invention. Hoaxes, I said hoaxes. ”

I have not written anything for a long time, so today we will talk about what has happened in recent days, although being two clickers I can not detail with exact pressure.

A couple of weeks ago, we were quietly in our TWs with Portugal, Moldova, Nigeria, Israel ... Everything was quiet, until once again, the code block tried to destroy a TW we had, this time it was the one in Portugal, in in the past, the TW broke us with other countries, Israel (Montenegro erased us by attacking Israel in our cores), even with Venezuela (Turkey forced us to accept that they had to go to Venezuela, or we would be erased for life .. And they have always sold it as they wanted to happen, and that we were their allies, when that is false, Cuba, it has the allies it has, which are members of Orion, and then countries like Portugal, Nigeria, Moldova, etc ... countries the which we have had very good relations.

With the only country of code-andes that we maintain a relationship, it is with Venezuela, by territorial situation, they are our neighbors, and with them we have maintained some TW, with the others of Andes or code, we have never had a relationship, and the only relationship that I have been able to have with them, it has been either in the clopoyaur channel where I get in with them for not breaking the pyramid, or with zdlemmy that I always end up saying that I don't know why people strive to put us in the garbage of world war, if we have never wanted to be part, we have always been people of peace ...

But let's get back to the topic, this time, Turkey threatened us again with erasure if we didn't let it pass, the funniest thing about this is that the Turks themselves fought for Cuba to win, something that still makes me laugh today.

We got lots of laws of AS DoW and NE, half code was mobilized to attack Cuba, we talked with Moldova, to take the regions we had, USA launched DoW against Moldova, meanwhile, Turkey threatened Israel to erase life if they didn't kick us out of Israel, which Israel accepted and threw us out of Cuba, and being honest, after that, what I wanted to do is leave Orion, since it wasn't the first time Israel had sold us, the AS of Montenegro to Israel that ended up in Cuba's erase, was caused by Israel so that they would not be erased from them, and then this, from throwing us out of their hearts so that Turkey did not get angry, I was really very angry, I left the Orion telegram group And let Duman know that we would leave Orion in less than a month, whether he wanted to or not.

On the other hand, together with the other parties that make up the government, seeing that Turkey and Code wanted to erase us for a long time, and in order not to have the country blocked, we decided to put a dictatorship, there was talk of it being xxxastarothxxx, and that When someone comes with the 10-day medal and can donate that money, he will exchange for it, with this, we get that without congress, the country will continue operating.

After the US occupies all of our territory and that Turkey and other countries of code entered Portugal and Spain, we expected Turkey to enter through the USA, but it was not so, what they did was that the USA attacked Spain, and feared to win so that Turkey will enter through Spain, we did not know it, so we told Spain after it won count against use in the Canary Islands, which will attack our region, Turkey when seeing it, hastened to attack the other Spanish regions in the peninsula and enter Cuba through Spain , and thus end up occupying the villas and the East, while using Western Cuba won, and only need to see, that in the battle of Spain vs. USA in Western Cuba, Spain was completely crushed by the USA, which showed that I was very prepared for Turkey and use.

For our part, both in the US attack and in Turkey, we defended ourselves with what we could, we had epics in d2 d1 and d4, but after months poking to be stronger, everything we had vanished, and we found ourselves We didn't have bars or anything to fight with.

Cuba, for a long time, is a country that had no soldiers, that only people came for congressional and CP medals, where they never focused on military activity, and always pointing their finger at those who used visa and doing civerbulling to those who had packs, today, we are 7-8 that we have packs or we focus on the military, the rest, they are people who are only interested in having congress for the medal every month, and yes, unfortunately that is the reality Cuban, that is why, after talking with the rest of the members of the government and seeing the mood, we decided to try to move diplomatically, since we cannot militarily.

Turkey proposed to us at the beginning that we pay them all the DOW AS etc ... that had cost them and their allies the entire military campaign, obviously we reject, and in the end They asked for the region of the East + to keep the taxes, I know that that region will suppose many billions of cc to Turkey, but it is a lesser evil for us ...

I speak with Portugal, I speak with Orion, and everyone agreed that we had to accept the deal, those, were the only ones that mattered, any country that is not Orion or Portugal, has nothing to say about this, because We have always been TW's great allies with Portugal, where we have helped each other, and now, people who have never helped us and who incidentally attacked our allies, come call me a traitor for reaching an agreement that really does not matter to us all because is simply to give a region in exchange for a NAP, some do not remember the damage they bring to them to help them, but it's okay, they think and talk nonsense that makes no sense.

changing the subject

For a long time, in Cuba we had a pro-andes group (Conny island + multis), which fought against us and against allies, who did not accept the Orion alliance, and who supplanted the government to get foreign help in their plans to seize Cuba , after the attack and erasure of Turkey and the help coming from Serbia to take over their parties and throw them out of Congress, they have gone to other countries of the Andes.

unfortunately, most barbudos party members (laucha prole alt8ny etc ...) have also gone in search of a new role that gives them more life in this dead game, from here I wish them the best for them and thanks for sharing a part of your lives with us and especially with me.

and I don't want to bore the people anymore, I follow my two clickers, sending voice notes at 3 in the morning waiting for someone to answer.

cordial greetings Girona FC - Edahi