Criticizing FBS

Day 218, 17:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

Lately there have been a whole lot of criticism towards FBS and congress in general. And as well there should be, free speech and all that noise.

A lot of people don't seem to understand what FBS is about and what our political stances are. Unlike other parties we don't strictly follow a capitalistic point of view, or a communist one for that matter. We simply adapt to what is the sensible thing to do based on the events that take place in the game. We work by discussing the issues that come up and make our decisions based on what the majority thinks is right. Our party works a lot like congress in and of itself. That's why there are so few public statements and propaganda from FBS because having propaganda that says "act rational" seems redundant. Still, when I look at the events transpiring these days it seems I'm apparently naive.

TemplarPaladin lowers taxes in his region so that people will move there. The problem with this is that we have a system that all the democratic parties, including his own, have agreed upon which states that the mayors along with congress set a nationwide tax in accordance with what's been discussed and voted on. If all the companies in eSweden moved to his region and had even lower taxes than we already have they would keep lowering their prices and TemplarPaladin would be solely responsible for crashing the economy and then everyone would be like, "Hey, remember that guy who ruined the economy?", "Yeah, what a douche".

When confronted about this he says "Jag är en handlingarnas man och jag tänker inte sitta och käbbla under hela mandatperioden med andra borgmästare, de har sina prioriteringar och jag har mina. Jag gör vad som är bäst för Bremen med de verktyg jag blivit tilldelade. Sedan kan jag inte hjälpa att ni har uppfunnit ett litet kontrollorgan som står över folkets vilja och förväntar er att jag ska rätta mig efter det." Which basicly means "I am a lunatic and I refuse to engage in civilized discussions of a parliamentary nature because it makes voices in my head yell even louder." He also states in the above quote that he won't cooperate with the controlling factors of Sweden that he believes are designed to go over the will of the people.

The people elected us and we formed aan institution that runs the country according to the constitution. We have to work within that institution. Earlier today I used the proverbial "partywhip" (that reminds me of a an old girlfriend, good times) on one of FBS' new mayors because he did not know about these rules. When I told him about it he fell in line, showing that he is a trusted politician. Cudos to him. If politicians kept doing whatever they fell like without consulting their parties or congress this nation would fall into chaos.

Imagine now if politicians like TemplarPaladin ruled this country. Or Purjolök Ops? Speaking of which, I haven't seem them around since they got into congress. At all. They have contributed absolutely nothing. I haven't even seen one solid argument for going to war from them. Isn't that why they were elected? To push for war? So why haven't they? One theory is that they are 5th graders and the other one is that they just aren't serious. Or both. Potato, tomato or whatever all that's about.

I know it's easy to take shots at the little Purjos because they haven't actually done anything, or spammed so much they've become the butt of every joke on but the point is that some people actually voted for them and those votes might as well have been blanc, because they voted for nothing.

And who the hell is burns? Why is he mayor of Hamburg and why has he raised the taxes to something close to infinity?

And as far as my promise to post some FBS propaganda, I'm working on it, as well as in congress and what not. Being the 2nd (OMG) highest ranked politian in the world is hard work (note that the only reason RaFee beat me is that he's a president). But I'm working on it. FBS has been sinking a bit recently but political climates change. However, with FBS at least you know that we can get things done and that we aren't insane.

Also, Betamjau is in our party, and she has that adorable kitten as an avatar. You won't see stuff like that in the other parties. So join FBS, for rationality, sanity and a picture of a cute and cuddly kitten once in a while.

I'm not gonna translate this. Just letting you know. 'Course if you need a translation you can't read this either. =oþ