Congressional Platform

Day 545, 13:13 Published in Greece USA by Sir Hypnotoad

After the recent events that have taken place, I feel the need to re-evaluate my goals for congress. My new platform will consist mostly on tax changes.

I believe that the food import tax should be raised to 90%, in order to protect Greek food producers.

The income tax should be raised to 90% as well, for the same reason as food.

Oil, iron, diamonds, wood
These are not very important at this time, but I believe that we should lower the import taxes to encourage companies to export to Greece. Once this is done, our manufacturing sector can grow, and we can make products for export.

Weapons, moving tickets, gifts, houses, hospitals, defence systems
These industries are not very crucial for Greek development at the moment, considering the amount of people that we have, but I believe that we could have some companies for producing these items for export.

A Constitution
I believe that we need a constitution that will secure the future of Greece.

Long Live Greece, Long Live ATLANTIS,