Congress: Jacobi Cannot Be Trusted

Day 1,733, 08:18 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

The picture says it all

When the NE proposal was confirmed yesterday Jacobi made a Excutive Order on the Forums. I believe it is only fair for eCanadians to see what shenanigans Jacobi us up to. He issused that any MU that sets their Daily Order for eCanada

Will not recieve Government funding for the rest of the term

Strike 1

Next Jacobi launched the first battle for the eUK just past day change, giving the eUK the upper hand by launching it in their time zone.

Strike 2

And yet Jacobi has the balls to say...

Canada Cannot Be Trusted

My fellow eCanadians,
Jacobi cannot be trusted

This is a 24hr discussion for a Impeachment Vote.

Military Units accross eCanada, I encourage you to support eCanada in it's battle against the UK.

eCanadians, PM your Congressional Repersentative to support the Impeachment Vote.

Captains cannot be Removed...
CP's Can However.

Let's Impeach Jacobi before we hit strike 3

I warned You