Congress and I

Day 5,623, 23:10 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by eDino WikiEd

I am a lowly citizen of the New World, born many years ago (very early 2009).
I was born in the days when fighting was prohibitively expensive for most citizens.

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It took me only 14 years to reach level 200.
Recently, due to kind support of a long time friend, I have arrived to UK where I applied and have received citizenship.
After joining the party and nominating for Congress, I was elected to the August membership of Congress in the UK.

That was my first elected appointment to the seats of power in 14 years.

During the past few weeks I have watched, listened, taken part in the decision-making process in this great country, ably ran by its President Huey George.

There were few things in the Congress that have surprised me, few that have annoyed me, and few even made a good sense.

Here are some of my general thoughts on a congress in the UK during my first term.

1. I have often wondered during the past few weeks what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the UK Congress.

2. There seemed to be a mad scramble to most new Law Proposals ― some members in Congress are very happy to be grandstanding and orating and introducing addled addendums (that would do nothing) to a Law Proposal discussion. That is, even when they were going to vote IN FAVOUR of the proposed Law Proposal. The usual harebrained response.

3. I am certainly not AGAINST congress. The only criticism anyone can honestly make against Congress is that it’s too good for some of the men we send there. Congress is our great virtue, understand; the congressmen are our fault.

4. Congressional (public) discussions are not (unfortunately) for the wellbeing of the public, but for the wellbeing of Members of Congress. They are designed to provide the Committee members with as much exposure as possible, and give the public the impression that its Congressmen are serious about what they’re doing.
Discussions are primarily designed, in other words, so that Congressmen can hear themselves talk.

Do not mean to point a finger at anyone, however these are my serious observations/thoughts of what I have seen in the past few weeks.

These are my views only and in no way echo views of another member or party.

To summarise, I'll use a reply from comments below which says:

"Congress doesn't need new voices, it just needs to retreat to the cosy dark corner it usually inhabits and leave the majority to get on with the game.
The recent constant drone of politicos seeking the limelight is becoming tedious especially as congress is very limited in what it can actually achieve."

Well said!

Congress member of the United Kingdom,
March/April 2023

eDino WikiEd