Congratulations and Salutations

Day 686, 11:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus

Greetings South Africa!

The Election
First I would like to congratulate President Steven Bosch on winning a second term! It has been an exciting election. And this term will be even more so.

One theme from recent debates has been that we need to keep the public in the loop. Mossad and others seemed to not have any idea, for example, that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs runs 29 active embassies. Or that as part of my job, I stay active on the SOL forums, and attend meetings, representing our country to the alliance. As President Bosch mentioned in his platform article here-

I recently attended a joint PEACE-SOL meeting. This first step towards communications, not just as South Africa, but as a member state of SOL could yield exciting results in the future.

Welcome to a New Ministry Org
The exciting work that me and my ambassadors undertake has been kept behind the scenes for too long. There is no reason for the public to not know about it. Which is why I have created a new org.
SA Min. of Foreign Affairs, with its newspaper the Foreign Affairs Report, will be keeping you updated on South Africa's dealings in the world. Some things are of course confidential, but the vast majority of my work is not so. I think you will all be interested in seeing it. So subscribe to the Foreign Affairs Report and keep an eye out for exciting things in the future!

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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