Christmas then and now

Day 5,149, 03:23 Published in Austria Austria by Ludi Deda
Christmas then and now

I am writing this from my own perspective.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, in some "dark times", believers on Christmas Eve helped moms and women with cooking, preparing, cakes while children played and had fun, and most enjoyed unpacking Christmas decorations and balls.
In the afternoon, they sat at the table (the whole family) and ate fish, drank coffee and whoever wanted any of the drinks, wine and other things, and most often the father and children decorated the pine tree.
Decorating pine trees was a special event and they took care of every little thing, where to put a ball, where sweets wrapped in cellophane, on which twig of pine to put birds .... Most often people had only those huge lamps, because they were not very accessible, and not as good as today, so often during the decoration of the pine you had to change a few light bulbs (if you were lucky and had spare ones). under the pine itself, people mostly put wheat and cribs as unavoidable gifts for children. Although we had "industrial" ones, I always liked
the more handmade ones. Some people from Zagreb went to get straw, which they would spread somewhere in the corner and children would play there.

After decorating the pine trees, the whole family would gather around the table, on the sofas, armchairs and with 2 performers in that "dark age" released cassettes of Christmas songs: Vera Svoboda and Krunoslav Kićo Slabinac.
Shortly before midnight, Christmas carols were sung or Christmas carols were played, because it was midnight and there was no crowd like today - everyone knew each other and everyone congratulated each other after midnight.
Then she returned home, ate and socialized for some time.
On Christmas Day, the neighbors were congratulated and visited, and it was all the charm of Christmas.

Christmas today

with the advent of democracy, cities, villages, valleys and mountains start to be decorated earlier, so in recent years, in the 10th month, we see ornate squares, house windows ....
Today, every šuša records a CD of Christmas songs. We go to some parties, parties and where we get drunk and listen to some strange music (sorry - music)
A couple of years ago, my wife and I walked through the neighborhood and entered a renowned cafe. I ask the waiter if they work and he literally tells me "Hey bro we just got started". Although a renowned cafe where some stars and stars come on Christmas Eve full of drooling "angry Ustashas". In a short time, the same waiter tells me to move a little so that the musicians can pass. I look and I can't believe it, and the above-mentioned waiter proudly tells me, "Brother, we brought gypsies to play. They usually play for you in the Mostovi restaurant.

Shortly before midnight, my wife and I set off for the church, of course you can't go to church from new believers, half-drunks, and next to the church - who in Palestine drones from our protected minority group throw firecrackers, fire rockets and who knows what else. On the way back from midnight, we pass by the aforementioned cafe and I just can't believe it: angry Croats howl accompanied by gypsy tamburitza players "I'm fed up with you too."
Where has the spirit of Christmas gone, where have the moral values ​​gone, how do we raise children ????

In the end, with a beautiful song, unfortunately from the former group Fides, I wish everyone a blessed Christmas and New Year holidays.

Božić nekada i sada

Ovo pišem iz vlastite perspektive.
Nekada ne tako davno u neka "mračna doba" su vjernici na Badnjak od jutra pomagali mamama i ženama oko kuhanja, spremanja, kolača dok su se djeca igrala i zabavljala, a najviše uživala raspremajući božične ukrase i kuglice.
Poslije podne se sjelo za stol (cijela obitelj) i blagovali ribu, popila se kava i tko je kaj od napitaka, vina i ostaloga htjeo i najčešće su otac i djeca kitili bor.

Kićenje bora je bio poseban događaj i tu se pazilo na svaku sitnicu, gdje staviti koju kuglicu, gdje slatkiše umotane u celofan, na koju grančicu bora postaviti ptičice.... Najčešče su ljudi imali samo one ogromne lampice, jer nisu baš bile dostupne, a niti kvalitetne kao danas, pa se često tokom samog kičenja bora moralo mijenjati po nekoliko žaruljica (ako si imao sreće i imao rezervne). pod sami bor su ljudi večinom stavljali pšenicu i jaslicee nezaobilazne darove za djecu. Iako smo imali "industrijske" uvijek su mi bile draže i ljepše one rukom rađene. Neki ljudi su iz Zagreba odlazili po slamu koju bi prostrli negdje u kutak i tu bi se djeca igrala.

Nakon kićenja bora cijele obitelji bi se okupile oko stola, po trosjedima, foteljama i z 2 izvođača su u to "mračno doba" izdala kazete božićnih pjesama: Vera Svoboda i Krunoslav Kićo Slabinac.
Malo prije ponoći se odapjevalo se božićne pjesme ili puštale kazete božićnih pjesama tko je imao, jer samolazilo na polnočku i nije bilo gužve kao danas - svi su se znali i svi si čestitali nakon pola noći.
Tada se vračalo kućama, blagovalo i družilo još neko vrijeme.
Na sam Božić se čestitalo susjedima i odlazilo u posjete i to je sve bio čar Božića

Božić danas
dolaskom demokracije gradovi, sela dolovi i gore se počnu kititi sve ranije pa zadnjih godina već u 10. mjesecu viđamo okičene trgove, prozore kuća....
Danas svaka šuša snima cd božićnih pjesama. Odlazi se na kojekakve partije, tulume i kojekuda se opija i sluša neka čudna glazba (pardon - muzika)
Prije par godina smo supruga i ja prošetali kvartom i ušli u renomirani kafić. Pitam konobara rade li i doslovno mi kaže "Ej buraz tek smo krenuli". Iako renomiran kafić gdje dolaze i kojekakve zvijezde i zvjezdice na badnjak pun balavaca "besnih ustaša". Za kratko vreme isti taj konobar mi kaže da se malo pomaknemo da prođu svirači. Pogledam i nemogu vjerovati, a gore navedeni konobar mi onako ponosno kaže "Buraz doveli smo cigane da sviraju. Oni ti inaće sviraju u restoranu Mostovi.

Malo prije ponoći krenemo žena i ja prema crkvi, naravno nemožeš uči u crkvu od novopečenih vjernika, balavci polupijani, a pokraj same crkve - ko u Palestini balavci iz naše zaštičene manjinske skupine bacaju petarde, pale rakete i tko zna kaj sve ne. Na povratku s polnočke prolazimo pokraj prije navedenog kafića i naprosto nemogu vjerovati: besni hrvati zavijaju uz pratnju cigana tamburaša "I tebe sam sit kafano".
Gdje je nestao duh Božića, gdje su nestale moralne vrijednosti, kako to odgajamo djecu????

Na kraju uz prekrasnu pjesmu nažalost bivše grupe Fides želim svima blagoslovljen Božić i novogodišnje blagdane.