Cheerio Yellowsnows + Rant

Day 1,420, 06:33 Published in Canada Canada by irishbhoy1967

Getting into Canadian regions should always be this difficult

Eleven days ago Canada attacked Scotland. Contrary to what many have been saying, this was not something we had much choice in. No matter what anyone says, Sweden were coming through Scotland regardless as they had forced Ireland into a corner. It was either Canada take control of the situation or give Sweden an easy route into Ireland where they would have an almost permanent outpost from which to attack North America at will. This clusterfuck had been helped along the way by the presence of the Netherlands in the UK at the time. It was an unavoidable situation and one that we could not have played out any better, and I say that as someone who does not talk shit when it comes to military strategy/tactics.

11 days of blocking and moving and Sweden held the grand total of 1 Canadian region. Yet many people in e-Canada decided to bitch about it and blame Aeriala for the whole thing instead of rolling their sleeves up and getting the job done. If we had not made the decision to attack Scotland and put Sweden on the backfoot, then Ireland would likely be Swedish and so would most of Canada’s regions by now. We were helped by the fact that the Swedes made a couple of tactical errors, but we had to be quick enough to capitalise on these. I am saying this with every bit of surety that all my experience in this game allows me.

Canada and Ireland have the Irish CP Sweet Drinker to thank for getting rid of Sweden in a double whammy last night in PEI and Newfoundland. Sweet is our finance god, and he financed me and others to supply literally hundreds of soldiers in #Friends_of_ICA to the tune of over 2,000 tanks and 10,000 Q5 Food. Thanks also to Eden and the e-US military for seeing us through a couple of tight rounds in PEI last night. That’s called “getting the job done” and some people in e-Can need to learn a thing or 2 about that. Sitting back and doing nothing and then blaming someone else for everything that goes wrong just is not fecking good enough in my book. Canada’s weakness has always been a lack of resolve and endurance. You need to start digging your god-damn heels in and fighting the real enemy(ONE and it’s puppets). It’s not over yet as we still have to deal with the United Kingdom of Alfagrem’s Credit Card. So let’s just do that then please as best we can, and if at times things don't go our way, stick together and remember who the real enemy is.

Anyways, Cheerio Yellowsnows!
Send your thanks here


PS Thanks also to Simon, Padraig, Seanan and Chewie for their help and thanks to all Canadian soldiers who fought hard as always.