Champinator for CP: Renovating the Gov.

Day 1,138, 20:30 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

My dear companions, coworkers, comrades, and fellow eSouth Africans, I come to you this day to deliver a message. This message is one of great importance to the power of the people in government affairs and the beginning of the change. As you may know, we just got out of a PTO due to a very controversial agreement. This agreement struck much outrage and bitterness, especially in yours truly. However, this is not a rant on the problems of that agreement; I have already had my say about that matter in my previous article. The matter at hand right now is one of how to prevent such controversy from happening again and how to move beyond the destruction and devastation caused by the PTO. This is why I stand here now, asking you for you support and vote on January 5th for me as Country President of this grand land.

Government Structure

Instead of complaining about past problems, I plan on making it so the problems cannot arise again. One of my main goals for this term is to focus more on the power of the people. The game mechanics allow for democracy and this democracy is absolutely necessary. We need to embrace it totally. In order to embrace it we really need to give people more say. Now, the game allows people to have their say by voting in two key offices: Country President and Congress. Since these two offices are elected by the people, they should have the most say in what our country does, and this is a point I really want to hit the head on the nail with. This means Congress will be more involved in all government matters. Cabinet will have its power not weakened, but checked and balanced by the increased involvement from Congress. Before Cabinet can finalize any crucial decisions, Congress must discuss these decisions. Essentially, Cabinet comes up with big ideas and Congress decides if they are good for our country, if we have the money, etc. In addition, I plan to have people apply for Cabinet positions. The last few terms this has not happened, and I want to bring this aspect back. If you do not apply then you do not get a position. You can just send me a PM to apply. After I have decided who I think can best handle the Cabinet positions, I will post the results in a thread on the forums, and ask you guys if you think the Cabinet is good enough and if you agree with my decisions. I want there to be more citizen involvement in this process. I cannot reiterate enough that the people MUST have control and be involved.


Now that we have our country back, the economy needs some fixin’. The Economic Council just recently was restarted so with that group of people we will be able to get the economy back on track. With low income taxes and high import taxes to begin with, local eSA companies will be able to rebound, improving the economy. As the economy slowly gets better, the income taxes will slowly increase and the import taxes will slowly decrease until we are able to maintain a stable economy. The PSA also was restarted recently. This renewed program will be able to support our local companies by getting the word out to buy eSouth African goods and work at eSouth African companies. The PSA will also be able to help out needy local companies and inform them about the importance of hiring only true eSA people.


eSouth Africa has a pretty good military. Now you may all say, “But it’s small!” It sort of is, but quality is better than quantity. I would rather have one American nuclear missile than twenty North Korean ones (ROFLMAO.) All jokes aside, I like quality and quality is what eSA has. Although, it would be nice to have some more quantity, so I look forward to more ads and articles put up by the eSAAF to encourage people to join. To make up for some of the quantity we also have some great MPPs coming. Not only will these MPPs help keep us safe, but they will provide training battles for our citizens, making them stronger to keep eSA safe and our Allies safe. Right now, it would be best for eSA to remain somewhat neutral, as we do not have much of anything right now. However, as we grow, I would like to see us align ourselves with PANAM since some of our neighbors are a part of this alliance such as Brazil and Argentina, and some of our previous allies such as USA and Canada. Of course, the foreign policy may change as the current alliances start to disband and new ones are formed. The military will also remain run as it is today. I believe it is in good hands and has done and will continue to do a great job.


Our population size is always an issue. We are a fairly small country. Every term, the CP candidates talk about how they plan on getting more people into our beloved country. I believe that this is prime time for people to move to eSA. Since we are starting to rebuild and grow, there are tons of opportunities for people to get involved. Anybody with determination and will power would be able to start up a business, get involved in our politics, or start a career in the military. The possibilities are endless because there are so many jobs we need to fill in order to grow. However, people will not just come on their own. They need some help. Moreover, the Ministries of Information and Immigration can provide this help. Info can get the word out as Immigration can get people approved as citizens and quickly immersed in our country. Increased articles and ads in other countries are the key to getting the word out.


The past few months have been quiet. When I say quiet, I mean that the forums have been dominated by a small fraction of our total population. This small amount of participation is the root of many problems such as lack of ideas, increased bickering, and the inefficiency of some areas of the government. The increased population size that I hope to achieve will help aid the problem of inactivity, but the current population needs to get more involved as well. To do this, I bring you back Lotteries and Games. With the Department of Fun, Lotteries and other Games will be held to promote activity amongst the citizens of our country. Interesting and humorous articles will be published to lighten the mood and make everyone just a bit chippier. Through these activities, the forums will be added in as a bonus you could say. In order to participate in the Games, you must have a forum account. In order to read more interesting articles or maybe contribute work, you have to post some thoughts on the forums. It is these simple steps that will lead to an avalanche of involvement in the forums and ultimately how we run our country.

Past & Current Positions

1x Vice President
1x Chief Minister of State and Executive Officer of the President
2x PP of the NPSA
9x Congressman
1x Emergency Congressman
Ambassador to USA
Former Ambassador to Canada, Spain, South Korea, Venezuela and Japan
Former Economic Council Member
1x Deputy Speaker of Congress
1x Director of Immigration
PCO in the PG

In conclusion, I ask you to please make an informed decision come Election Day. Please read all candidates’ platforms and decide which is best. Please. There is nothing I hate more than hearing that someone voted for someone only because they were friends or they thought the person’s avatar was cool looking. I want you to vote for the best candidate, not the coolest name, avatar, most popular person, etc. Just vote informed.

Grim's platform: