Canada and Alliances: Have your Say

Day 1,459, 18:40 Published in Canada Canada by irishbhoy1967

In my honest opinion, leaving/joining alliances is something that should not even be entertained by Congress or Executive without gauging public opinion beforehand.


(e-Canadian Citizens only)

This is not intended to cause division but rather to get some form of feedback on what the majority of e-Canadian's want. A bunch of disrespectful/adolescent replies or a sad little comment war is not required in the comment section of this article. Thank you.

I also ask each Party President or a party representative(of every e-Canadian party) to make all your party members aware of this poll and also for MU Commanders to post it in your MU feeds. Other Citizens can help by shouting the link of the article in the citizen feed ingame.

I'll let it run for a couple of days until replies dry up and then release the full results.
